Sample Lab Report
Partners Marie Curie. AJbert Einstein January 1. 2020
Finding the Value of Pi
Purpos© To expenmentally determine the value of pa by
1. usłng the averagę crcumference and diameter measurements of a circular ptete 2 analyz1 2tg a graph of circumference vs. diameter measurements for several carcles
• Pi (2) represonts the ratio between the circumference (C) and the diamoter (d) of a orcie. Th2s relatonship can be written as:
C = xd
• Pi has an acccptod value of 3.1416.
meter stlck strtng circular piąte
ruier scissors vańou$ circiMar objocts
Part 1:
1 Have each member of the lab group measure the diameter of the c2cular piąte (We d»d thts by roughly estimaling v\ticrc the widest part of the piąte was placing a string across that dtstance. then measuhng the length of the string with a rui er.)1
2. Have each member measure the crcumference o# the circular piąte. (We d»d th»s by wrapping the string one fuli tum around the outsidc Of the piąte, then measuring the length of the string with a ruler)
Part 2:
3. Have each group member find one additional orcular object and measure the diameter and circumference of that object. (We used the same measuring proccss outlined in pad 1 )
Data and Calculations:
Table 1: Diameter and circumference measurements of the circular piąte
Tnal |
Diameter. d (cm) |
Grcumference. C (cm)' |
1 |
7.85 |
24.59 |
2 |
7.75 |
24 63 |
3 |
7.90 |
24.65 |
4 |
7.78 |
24.61 |
5 |
7.85 |
2466 |
average |
7.83 |
24.63 |
Notę: The science has copied cne criginai werdog of the lab. but has atso induded moce spec2c deteils regarding her e2act exper«mental procedur©
Notę: Table headings clearty mdicatc the measurement arvd the units used.