Name |
lesJie Holden |
Datę |
09/01/2020 |
Teacher Name |
Annę Burton |
Time |
12 00 PM |
How impoctant is tbe Whitc Blood Cdb?
Statement of thc Problem
Why is tbe White Blood Cdi needed by tbe bo<ty? Otx body is madę up of 70H water. One percent of tbe blood cont*ns white blood celi. TM is dso called teukocytes. TM stody would Mte to know «f a buman can Lve witbout wMe blood cdi.
Wbite b'ood cdi »s a vcry important part of tbc blood and tbe body as wdl. Withoui whne blood celi. a buman can easily get «nf«t»on WHte b’oc-d cdi hdps in managing wouod m thc body.
WMe Wood cdi hdps tn managing blood dots.
Materials and Supplies mali and Supęfcti | |
Microscopc | |
Specimen slides | |
Cotton Balls | |
inęecoon | |
Micropore Tape |
Cirate yfrjf omn *j<c*v*»ó POf i mits .Ktf fllttfflf Edflfit 7 JotForm