Lab Report Template


lesJie Holden





Annę Burton


12 00 PM


How impoctant is tbe Whitc Blood Cdb?

Statement of thc Problem

Why is tbe White Blood Cdi needed by tbe bo<ty? Otx body is madę up of 70H water. One percent of tbe blood cont*ns white blood celi. TM is dso called teukocytes. TM stody would Mte to know «f a buman can Lve witbout wMe blood cdi.



Wbite b'ood cdi »s a vcry important part of tbc blood and tbe body as wdl. Withoui whne blood celi. a buman can easily get «nf«t»on WHte b’oc-d cdi hdps in managing wouod m thc body.

WMe Wood cdi hdps tn managing blood dots.

Materials and Supplies

M.it mali and Supęfcti


Specimen slides

Cotton Balls


Micropore Tape

Cirate yfrjf omn *j<c*v*»ó POf i mits .Ktf fllttfflf Edflfit 7 JotForm


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