1 Bcglnnlng or Inrotnplftc |
2 IH-wlopIng |
3 . \l l OllipilMK (I |
4 Exanpbry |
Ourall Score | |
****** |
Socral tnsyot atpetU of the cipcnment are muiinp, uudent display* i Uk ot undcManding about how to »ntf an ab>t.K t |
Aharai miurt one or owr nupr atpct l* of ionym/ on thr ctpenment or the ret ulu |
Abtiraki fclookrt mott of the major o»pcvU of thr eipcnmcm. sonie minor driadt arr mming |
Abufatt contaim felerem e lo all major aiprstt of corrying oai the cipenmeat and ihe resulu. mell-wntten |
5 |
Introductton |
Very bule bjckground informotioa prosaied ar informotioa i* inrormn |
Socne introduttory mformaŁiorL Not diii missing voiw nufor ****** |
Introduction i* nearły complcłe. missing wice mince point* |
Incrodtxuon tompkie and m<eH-written. provide* all neee**ary bjtkffound pnneiple* for thr |
10 |
t:\ptrhnrnul procedur? |
*c*cfol importom cApcnmcnul drtaihar n«« writlen in parogroph K»cmat |
W i a ten an pura/rupłi lormar. *tiU mnui»p M>iw importjim cipmmental dctail* |
Winien m para/raph (omul. uitpirtJiu nprrunmul drtoiU are covcrcd. »ome minor dri.nU mining |
Weil wnnen in paragraph lormai. aU ripmmenul driaiU onr cosrred |
5 |
Resutts: data. Ilttures. Uraphs. labie*. etc. |
! jgure*. grapfc*. ubić* contoin errors or onr pooriy eon dnu: te d. havc misunc tides. capu on* or number*. umts suiMiip or murrcct. <u. |
Nlod Figurę*. graphs. lobie* OK. ujtme diii mi&smg wme unpociant or rccjuircd fcoturc* |
.Ml figurę*, graphs. tubie* are corroctly drawn. but *ome Kaw minor problem* or could sull be unpruved |
.Ml ficurc*. graphs. tobie* onr correttly drawn. are numbrrrd and śoouin iitle*<voption* |
25 |
MkumIm |
Vcry imompktr ar iikarrcu mierprci Jtaoa of trend* and vompomon o( dju mdicating a lack of underdandug of rr*ult* |
Somr ol thr re»ult» havc bero iorwttly imerpreted and d&scwned: panial but imompleie undcr*unding of reuilu is diii ctidat |
Al mott uli ol the rruolu luse hecn correuh imcrprried and dmusced. ordy mmor unprovcmenc* are needed |
All unpcriont trend* ond daU iompinMrki ha*v bero mterpreted sorra:tly and di*eussed. good understordmg of reiuftu i* eon* ey^ed |
« |
Comlusions mi**ang or mi**ing ihc importom pooa |
Coc* iu*ion> rccordme majce pant jfr druwn. but many jtc mniuctl indicjtang a Luk of undrrstandmg |
Ali imporunc loacUiuon* have lven drawn. could be heuer dated |
All impociom coc* lusion* ha*e bem ślearly maile, student show** /uod nndrrstanding |
10 | |
Spelllng. grammar. sentence struć turę |
I rcifocnt prnnui and/or tpclling erron. wtitmg style n rough and imaumre |
0rradmrf graniniar/*pelbng enori. generolly readible w uh uxmc rutach spot* in wntang style |
Ltts (han 3 grarwmarApelling error*. maturę, readable dyle |
AU grammar/*pelling cormt ord *ery m*U-wnttcn |
10 |
Appearanct and tormattlng |
Sccuoas out of order, too mueh handwntten ccęy. doppy lor nut ling |
SesiUcas in order, cantom* the muumum allowable omotam of haAdmnaen cepy, fomutuag i* coa rh Kil readable |
.Ml scctions m order, famuuing generally gocd bat could still be unprovcd |
.Ml section* in order. weU-Urmaned. *ery readable |
10 |
Lab Report Rubric Assessment Data Report Format
Titlc of Lab:_
Group | ||||||||
Item nom rubric 1 |
2 |
3 |
......etc. | |||||
r ^1 ■ ■■ 1 ■ ■ 4 Ab*truct/Summaf\ | ||||||||
Introduction | ||||||||
tkpcnnKntal puxcdurc | ||||||||
Rcsults: data. figurcs. graphs. tablcs. ctc. | ||||||||
Discussion | ||||||||
Condusions | ||||||||
Spclhng. grammor. scntcncc stmeture | ||||||||
Appcarancc and forraattuig | ||||||||
TOTAI. for eath report |