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y R»«xi oa yota resuJi* ui ihe poawium permanjamie capcrimcM. would you mmc thai iraeated tempenuure weteases dti.TCM*' Brownian modon?
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PHVS|««IV l\TFKAt nVt 1.AB SIMM VfK>\ (PH I.l,S. 4.0)
lf tnBMe. usc the computeri/cd laboratory stmulation PH.l.LS. 4.0 lo simulatc ihc foliowi oj activity that ciplore celi transport function:
Var) ing ExtractUular Coruremration (stmulation Ul)
For cach of iłic aciivitie$ you perfonm. prinl the lab report accordłng to the dircciions givcn in the activity and altach a copy of all shects to your lab report (or as your instroc-
tor directs).