


Gte this artide: Fischer I, Arrashi S, Oz T, Fadul R, Gutman K, Rubenstein D, Kroliaak G, Goerg S, Glóckner A. 2020 The behavioural challenge of the C0VID-19 pandemie: indirect measurements and peisonalized attitude changing treatments (IMPACT). R. Soc Open Sd. 7: 201131. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsos201131



Recewed: 25 June 2020 Accepted: 13 August 2020

Subject Ca tego ry:

Psychology and cognitive neurosdence

Subject Areas:

health and disease and epidemiology Keywords:

CWID-19, attitude change, pandemie, effectwe reproduction

Author for correspondence:

lian Fischer

e-mail: ifischer@psy.haifa.adl

Electronic supplementary materiał is arailable Online at https://doi.Org/10.6084/m9iigshare.c 5099123.



The behavioural challenge of the C0VID-19 pandemie: indirect measurements and personalized attitude changing treatments (IMPACT)

lian Fischer1, Shacked Ayrashi1, Tomer Oz1,

Rabab Fadul1, Koral Gutman1, Daniel Rubenstein2, Gregory Kroliczak3, Sebastian Goerg4 and Andreas Glóckner5

Following the out break of COVID-19 pandemie, govemments around the globe coa-ced their citizens to adhere to pre\'entive health behaviours, aiming to reduce the effective reproduction numbers of the virus. Driwn by gamę theoretic considerations and inspired by the work of US National Research CoundTs Committee on Food Habits (1943) during WWII, and the post-WWn Yale Communication Research Program, the present research shows how to achieve enhanced adherence to health regulations without coerdon. To this aim, we combine three elements:    (i) indirect measurements, (ii) peisonalized

interventions, and (iii) attitude changing treatments (IMPACT). We find that a duster of short interventions, such as elaboration on possible consequences, induction of cognitive dissonance, addressing next of kin and similar others and recewing advice following severity judgemenLs, improves indńiduals' health-presa^ing attitudes. We propose extending the use of IMPACT under closure periods and during the resumption of social and

€> 2020 The Authors. Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creatwe Commons Attribution License http:^creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, which permits unrestrkted use, prwided the original author and source are credited.


'School of PsychologiaI Sciences, University cf Haifa, Haifa, Israel


Department of Ecology and Ewlutionary Biology, Princeton Unwersity, Princeton, NJ, USA


^Faculty of Psydidogy and Cognitwe Science, Adam Midciewicz University, Poznan, Poland


Department of Biotechnology and Sustainability, Sdłool of Management, Technical Unwersity of Munich, Munich, Germany


"'Social Cognition Center G)logne, Unwersity of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

IF, 0000-0002-2622-7743; DR, 0000-0001 -9049-5219;

GK, 0000-0001-6121-0536; SG, 0000-0002-1740-6870;

AG, 0000-0002-7766-4791


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