
International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machinę Science


Prof. Marco Ceccarelli, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of Cassino

and South Latium. Via G. Di Biasio 43, 03043 Cassino, Italy

Tel: >39 0776-2993663. Fax: +39 0776-2993689. E-mail: ceccarelli@unicas.it

Prof. Tian Huang, Schoot of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin Unwersity, Tianjm 300072, China Tel: +86 22 2740 5280, Fax: +86 22 2740 5280 Email: tianhuang@tju.edu.cn

SECRETARY-GENERAL Prof. Teresa Zielińska, Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, ITLiMS, ul. Nowowiejska 24, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland Tel: +48 234 7790, Fax: +48 234 7513, E-mail: teresaz@meil.pw.edu.pl

TREASURER    Prof. Juan Antonio Carretero, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of New Brunswick, 15

Dineen Dr., Fredericton, NB. E3B 5A3. Canada

Tel: +1 506 458-7454. Fax: +1 506 453-5025, E-mail: juan.carretero@unb.ca

Bielsko-Biała. Poland

VII Inter University Conference of Students. PhD Students and

Jacek Rysinski

Young Scientists'Engineer of XXI centuryr


December 8.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science.

Stanisław Zawiślak


University of Bielsko-Biała http://www.enqineerxxi ath euten/conference


Dear Organizers and Partie i pan ts of IFToMM sponsored conference ENGINEER-XXI 2017

It is an honour for mc, as IFToMM President, to address these few words of welcome and wishes to the participants for a fruitful conference time during this conference ENGINEER-XXI 2017 as liosted by IFToMM MO Poland.

This conference is an important conference forum for discussing specific topics of the IFToMM activity, even with the aim to proniote IFToMM and MMS not only by involved MO and TC. but mainly as regional IFToMM sponsored conference for the Asian communities. The IFToMM patronage of this conference evcnt has a particular significance for the fact that this conference event has been organized successfully with the typical IFToMM atmosphere in a regional area in order to provide suitable environment for enhancing and starting collaborations and disseminating last advanccs in MMS and in specific ficlds, also with the hopc to havc morę Asian MOs (Membcr Organizations) in IFToMM

I congratulatc the organizers and their teams for the vcry successful organization of this ENGINEER-XXI 2017!

IFToMM is particularly careful to aspects both of scientific and social activity as intended to proniote both MMS disciplincs and IFToMM Community. I am surę that all the participants will contributc successfully to the abovementioncd goals by sharing studies and results with other colleagucs not only from the IFToMM Community. Therefore, I thank the participants and organizers for having supported the IFToMM traditional high-quality standard for this conference with your active parlicipation.

Another important event will be the 2019 IFToMM World Congress (www.iftomm2019.com) that will be held in Kraków. Poland in Junc 2019 as 50Ih Jubilee IFToMM annivcrsary whcrc we hopc to have a large participation of colleagucs from all around the world, cvcn from those countrics that havc not yet IFToMM Membcr Organizations. There we could also have morę advances on MMS and therefore this is to invite all you participants to join the IFToMM World Congress 2019 too.

I wish you a wonderful time at this IFToMM sponsored conference event, both from technical and social viewpoints


prof. M ar co Ceccarelli    Cassino. 6 November 2017

President of I FToM M (2016-2019)    www.iftomm.net


Prof. M. Ceccarelli (President). prof. Y. Nakamura(Past-President), prof. Tian Huang. (Vice-President- acting), prof. T. Zielińska (Secretary General), prof. J.A. Carretero (Treasurer), prof. B. Corves, prof. C. I. Dede, prof. A. Ghosal, dr. J.P. Merlet, prof. F. Viadero.


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