Co jest 5 is a website ccntaining informaton about event$ in lodź it also induces news abojt promot on and ptaces base. Thanks to thecalendaralleveotsare arranged according to days Events ncludo separata descriptioos and Information neeced foc each entertain-mentamateur.
Client: Co Jest 5
AvaiUbility: ThoOngcing Projoct
Website iFneslra-Manage Windows Projects includos foli of doscripiions and spocifications of this mobile application. This sile also contains features. descript ons. functions. instruct»on how to uso it and screenshots cf fo s mobile devce wfoch show hcw it locks like in daityusing.
AGOM International s t L
The website is the calling card of the brand It has to support communicatton and marketing strat egy of the company and provide important information for the users That is why a perfect website should be outstanding and aUurmg but at the samo time it has to be inturtive and user-friendty. Our experience tells us that a visually attractive but also elear website is the best sotuton
-ME ABOVE PICTURE Cllont AGOM International srl I Wetnit* wwwj^om-onLneou 8