Nłcn mal bhnci s-pots.

vp Leston in left s-uperior temporal relma oau-aeo a corrcopondin-g field doloel «n loft iolori-of na&al uisual fi«ld.

L*?fl visuctl IwUkJ

mon! vi^iiai field




Tolal triindnciss- r>gt-it cyc-. Cui ii»jlel*j lo»io*~i tyf ri/ght opnie r»erva.

Loli optic nerv«





rjr.rMJ'i iLtało

i^rty .

Rigiht optic Iran

Rigiht inoongruOU-S nemianopp nno ro-n lesio-n ol the lett optic UclcI fUsw>t LłJiiiiiKJi* oilo Ol t>crr*i anopi-a).

'■•-5^ Lotl lioniciikymous

a-uporior -qL»Od ranlonopia

duo to a luE-on Ot ir,1er»or oplic r:*dialion io righl Idmprtrai in-no

Rioint rmmmyimiui iiiiwiiiN MUrtUl d I itrtl ioo>a duo to iuvulvem&n4 ol uppw opije radiation i a leli porictol lobc.

LCMI LK^dlJtkal luUe

Hfcgr-it rongn 1011*5 incompiete* nunn^nyr>»uua. liKinitniopia due lo <1 leoion uf krll Ł*_«_ipi1«l cortcx.

sfi) Kigm hotrionymous hemlanopui wito


rrp»niunr ftpanno due ta a łasłort u* len. occlpilal co«iox.

Vauahan ct ol. 1090


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