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VIII Myeloma and Lymphoma

International Conference

(former „Complex treatment of plasma celi dyscrasia")

6-8 th September 2019, KRAKÓW

VENUE: Jagiellonian Uniuersity Medical College, Św. Anny 72 Str.

September 6 2019 (Friday)

16.00 Cruise on the VISTULA river to the Abbey of Tyniec (meeting point near Wawel) 19.30 DINNERat the Abbey of Tyniec

September 7 2019 (Saturday)

13.30-13.40 Opening the conference • assoc prof. ARTUR JURCZYSZYN and prof. WOJCIECH JURCZAK. Jagiellonian University Faculty of Medicine Oepartment of Hematology. Kraków

13.40-13.45 Opening the conference - prof. MACIEJ MAŁECKI - Dean of Faculty of Medicine. Jagiellonian University Medical College. Kraków SESSION I - Chairmen: prof. GRZEGORZ HELBIG. prof. ALEKSANDER B. SKOTNICKI, prof. JAN MACIEJ ZAUCHA 13.45-14.15 Multiple myeloma-the best therapy for newly diagnosed patients in 2019

prof MERAL BEKSAC. Department of Hematology. Ankara University. Ankara. Turkey

14.15-14.25 Discussion

14.25-14.55 Therapy of relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma in 2019

prof. JOSEPH MIKHAEL. Professor. Applied Cancer Research and Drug Discovery Translational Genomics Research Institute (Tgen). City of Hope Cancer Center; Chief Medical Officer. International Myeloma Foundation; Adjunct Professor. Arizona State University. College of Health Solutions

14.55-15.05 Discussion

15.05-15.35 Amyloidosis and POEMS - how I treat in 2019

prof. JOAN BLADE. Department of Hematology. Hospital Ctfntc de Barcelona. Institut (flnvestigacions BiomMiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS). Spain 15.35-15.45 Discussion

15.45-16.15 The critical role of the imaging in the management of multiple myeloma

prof. SUZANNE LENTZSCH. Division of Hematology/Oncology. Columbia Umversity Medical Center. Herbert lrving Pavilion, 161 Fort Washington Ave. New York. NY. 10032. USA

16.15-16.45 COFFEE BREAK

SESSION II - Chairmen. prof. SEBASTIAN GIE8EL. prof SEBASTIAN GROSICKI. prof JERZY HOLOWIECKI 1645-17.15 New developments in the treatment of Waldenstróm's Macroglobulinemia

prof. CHRISTIAN BUSKE, Institute of Experimental cancer Research Umversity of Ulm. Germany

17.15-17.25 Discussion

17.25-17.55 The role of checkpoint inhibitors in non Hodgkin lymphoma

prof. PIERE LUIGIZINZIANI. University of Bologna. Italy 17.55-18.05 Discussion

18.05-18.35 New drugs in follicular lymphoma - are we ready to skip chemotherapy

prof. GEORG HESS. Umversitats Medizm Mamz. Germany 18.35-18.45 Discussion

20.00 DINNER al La Grandę Mamma. Rynek Główny 26.31 008 Kraków

September 8 2019 (Sunday)


Cracow Myeloma and Lymphoma RIDE. Riding bicycles from Wawel along the YISTULA river. old Town and Kazimierz


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