The federal judiciaiy

lts main instrument is the Supreme Court which watches over the other two branches (legislative e.\ecutive). It determines whether or not their laws and acts are in accordance witch the Constitution. Congress has the right to fi.\ the number of judges sitting on the Court bul it cannot change the powers given to the supreme Court by the Constitution itself. The Supreme Court consists of:

a)    a chief justice

b)    8 associate justices

-    they are nominated by the President but must be approved by the Senate; once approved they hołd Office as Supreme Court Justices for life

-    a decision of the Supreme Court cannot be appealed to any other court

-    11 federal courts of appeal

-    91 district courts

-    the Supreme court has direct jurisdiction in cashes

a)    involving foreign diplomats

b)    in which a State is a party

c)    interpretation of Constitution

-    the S.C. Has right to declare laws and actions of federal, State and local governments unconstitutional

The legał system is based Common Law brought across from England and on the laws and ordinances passed by State legislatures and by other bodies to which siatę power has been delegated. Anglo-American Common Low is based on the supposed reasonable person's view of what is right and fair. Each decision creates a precedenl and for any particular case a court must as far as practicable follow a precedent set by a higher courts previous decision.


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