Pi is often written formal^’ as the Greek letter n as a shoitcut. Pi is also an irralional number. meaning it cannot

be written as a fraction ( b). This basically means that ihe digits of pi that are to the right of

the decimal go forever without repeating in a pattem, and that it is impossible to write the exact value of pi as a

number. Pi can only be approximated. or measured to a value that is close enough for practical puiposes.121


A value close to pi is 3.141592653589793238462. A common fraction approximation of pi is 7 . which yields 3.14285714. This approximation is 0.04% mva^from the true value of pi. While this approximation is accepted

for most of its use in real-life, the fraction 113 is morę accurate (giving 3.14159292). and can be used when a value closer to pi is needed.1^ Computcrs can be used to get better approximations of pi.


Probably because of the simplicity of its definition. the concept of n has become entrenched in popular culture to a degree far greater than almost any other mathematical construct.121 It is, perhaps, the most common ground between mathematicians and non-mathematicians.121 Reports on the latest, most-precise calculation of Jiare common news items.H113mQ81

Nobel prize winning poet Wisława Szymborska wrote a poem about a, and herc is an excerpt:Ufi2J

The caravan of digits that is pi does not stop at the edge of the page. but runs off the table and into the air,

over the wali, a leaf a bird's nest. the clouds. straight into the sky, through all the bloatedness and bottomlessness.

Oh how short. all but mouse-like is the comet's taił!

Many schools around the world observe Pi Day (March 14, from 3.14).11121

Several college ęhęęr$ at the Georgią Ins^K pf Tęęhnplggy11111 and the Ma$saęhgseH$ ln^|i|gig gf Technology11121 include "3.14159!"

On November 7, 2005, altemative musician Kate Bush rcleased the album Aerial. The album contains the song "Pi” whose lyrics consist principally of Bush singing the digits of ji to musie, beginning with ",3.14".ŁLU*


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