taking important decisions (as the establishment of the secret revolutio-nary organizations in Bessarabia) and he conld have known the most secret orders (as that regarding Ioannis Varvakis’ monetary contribution);
e) his correspondence with the author of the letter in question was interrupted after the last letter addressed to Em. Xanthos written in Cern&u$i on the 26th of April 182119; sińce then and until October 1821, when Em. Xanthos addressed him the present letter, no letters were exchanged between the two revolutionaries, as it results from Em. Xanthos’ correspondence published in the appendix of his memoirs 20.
In conclusion Em. Xanthos> letter from the lOth of October 1821, written in the Italian town Ancona and senttoPeloponnessus, was addressed to the distinguished Greek revolutionary P. AnagnoBtopoulos, who accompanied D. Ipsilantis on his way from Bessarabia to Peloponnesus and who also was his consul before his departure from Bessarabia and after his settlement in Greece.
’Avx6va Tfj 10 8|łptou 1821
’ASeX9£ xepix60ł)Te'.
M£TÓv’IaTp6v xópiov Tux4X8ov aot fiypa^a 4x6 Kiavó(3i£v yp6.y.y.a. ptou (tó óxoiov 86v -rjS-eópa) 4v gXa(3eę) etę tó 6xoTov 6<patveT0 •J) 8uaap£axei4 (zou xoct4 aou, xat x4 atTia auTiję Tłję 8uaapeaxetaę fiou. 1Eycó £8oxtpuxaa xat ójaou fx£ £jjl£ xat 6 KaX6ę21 xat axe§6v ol xp60Ufioi22 6Xoi facoę, t4 4xoTeX£an,aTa T?ję xapaX6you aUYxaTa{łaaect>ę aou xat 4xatpou xpoaox?)ę xat Tłję 4auYX<1>“ pV)T0u aou 8uaxiaTtaę xpóę TOÓę (ruvaSeX<po6ę aou, xat xaT1£ęox^v xpóę £{i£, 4x6 t6v 6xoTov £covrav4ę xat 4vtx|i9L(36Xouę 4xo8etĘeię <piX(aę, etXixpivetaę xat xa0apÓT7)Toę ^uxiję xat xap8taę xpóę tó 6xoxet(xev6 aou £Xa|3eę. Só, <ptXe (jlou xat 48eX<pć, £8oaeę t^v »p5j90v aou xat £xapax tv»]aeę t6v XapiTÓ(3puTov21 v4 8<i)(jj) tV)v xXTjpeĘouai6T7)Ta Tłję e9optaę tou ’Iapi-ocY]Xtou xat 6Xcov xuv Xoixcóv Ć9opióiv etę t6v KaXafzaTiavóv, IIaxa86xouXov xat MuXa>vav, xat v4 xpoa0£a7} etę t6v ^opou tou KiavofUou t6v xaX6v 4v0pcoxov MapIvov STpaTi]v 8óo &XXouę £9Ópouę tóv Mxoóp8av xat 1I<o4w>]v Maxpłjv, 4v0pcJ>xouę yźiiomi; x407) xat jiaTataę xpoXV) <{>eię, 8i6ti 6 xpa)Toę ^tov xat elvai xpeaTOÓpa 24 t<3v MoX8o(34vgjv xat £(3t4£eTO v4 óxoxptveTai xot£ (i£v t6v xaX6v xaTpict>Ti]v, xot£ 8£ t6v xiot6v MoX8of34vov, ó 8£ SeÓTepoę, 4>ę XoYi4>T(1Toę xat 9tXoę twv 90opoxoi&v £xetvcov 9<xTpiaaTĆóv, ^0eXe v4 xavovt£y) t4 xp4Y{raTa fz£ tó t£tocptov tou 0eo8<i>pou xat
In the transcriptlon we foli owed the orlglnal text; only some orthographlc mlstakes bave been corrected wlthout any other modlficatlon. The nnmbers, ln brackets, show the page nnmber of the orlglnal text and the parentheses have been nsed, where the orlglnal was destroyed and we were obllged to complete the text.
M Xanthos, Em., op. elt., pp. 168—169.
*° Ibidem, pp. 169 and followlng.
■2 Alexandro8 Ipsilantis’ pseudonym.
" The Greeks.
Dimltrios Ipsilantis’ pseudonym.
** The creatlon; the author used the Italian word.