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There is no doubt that the period between the 23rd of ApriI and the 26th of June 1821 38 is the most important period for the Greek Bevolution in the Eomanian Principalities.
Although it was not his direct intention or his finał aim, Em. Xan-thos provides in his letter a lot of elements about this period and about tho revolutionary activity in Bessarabia and Moldavia. Em. Xanthos has been an eyewitness of the revolutionary events, being established in. Bessarabia and trayelling from Kissinef to Ismail and back 3B. Thus th© information given by Em. Xanthos are very important, because the letter addressed to P. Anagnostoponlos was written only four months after the author’8 departure from Bessarabia and so they have the value of actuality.
We have already noticed in the introduction of this study that using the pseudonym ‘Haritoyrytos’ Em. Xanthos means D. Ipsilantis. Analysing the letter in ąuestion we have noticed that the author had used this pseudonym five times, namely on pages 1, 6,10,12 and 14.
But here the ąuestion rises of whether this pseudonym was a secret language for D. Ipsilantis or only the pseudonym, which he used to pass through Austria on his way to Greece 1
The Information provided by other sources in connection with this problem are contradietory.
The Greek historian Ioannis Philimon writes in his work about the secret revolutionary organization “Philiki Hetairia” : “Anagnostopoulos prepared the voyage and he succeeded to get a passport as a merchant from Bessarabia... He appointed D. Ipsilantis ‘director’ of the commercial company under the name of ‘Haritos’ ”40.
38 D. Ipsilantis and P. Anagnostopoulos, the recelver of the letter In questlon, crossed the Russo-Austrlan border on the 20 th of Aprll 1821 (see, Diamandls, K., op. cttp. 37, notę 7); Em. Xanthos left Klssinef on the 26 th of June 1821 (see, Xanthos, Em, op. cit., p. 48) or on the 27th of June 1821 (see, Manuscript, p. 9). Therefore Em. Xanthos in his letter is talking about the period 20/IV/1821 and 26 or 28/V1/1821.
99 Em. Xanthos’ correspondence with Athanasios Xodilos helps us to elucidate his actWity in Bessarabia. So, we are informed that,after D. Ipsilantis’ departure from Bessarabia, Em. Xanthos left Klssinef to go to Ismail at the end of April (Xodilos, Ath., op. cit., pp. 130—131) and between the 11 th and the 15th of May 1821 he retumed from Ismail to Klssinef (ibidem, pp. 134-135).
40 Filimon, Io., Historical ... the Filikt Hetairia ..., p. 382.
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