MAC:    Abbrz\no}iOfi for iwtdlum

u<(ss control Szz medium acce& eon troi sublayer.

machlne-lndependent:    Th lele-

commuhbaliohi. Computer. and data proceilihg lylkmi. pertdihih£ lo OperdtiOhl. prceedurei. Computer program i. dhd procenin^lhat do not depehd upon ipecific hardware for their luocenful execulion. [From Weik '89)

machinę Instructlon: An imlruclioh ihal ii ritten ih a machinę lahtuaji.e and can bo e.*eculeddireclly by Ihe proceiior for which il wdl dei&hed wilhOul iramUlbh or inlerpreldlbh.

machinę lanjuaje:    A knguage thal netd not bo

modified. Iramlated, or ihlerpreled before iledh be uied b> Ihe proceiior for s»hich il wai deii&ned. Cl 88) Notz l. The opera tion codei dhd addrenei uied ih ihltruCtiOhl wrilleh ih machihe Idh^udfi.e Cdh be direelly lenied by the a rith me lic and control unii circuiu of ihe proceiior for which ihe ldh£ua&e ii deii&ned. Afcv« 2. Tnitruclbm wrilleh ih ananembly ldh£ud&e or a hi£h-kvel laht.uagt mml be irahilaled ihb machihe Idh&uą&e before Ihey cah be e*eculed by a proce nor. No) z 3. Machihe langua^ei are uiually uied by oompukr deii&nen ralher ihah compuler men.

machtnelearnlnj: The abilily of a device b improve iii performance taiedon iii pail performance.

machlne-ortented Tan^uaje: Synonym computer-orlented lansuje.

machlne-readable medium: A medium capabk of ilorin& dala ih a form ihal cah be acoened by an aubmaled iehiih£ devioe. Nofz. Łcamplei of machine-readable media ihcludefa) ma&hetic diiki. cardi.lapei.and drumi.(b) punchedcardi and paper la poi. Co) Oplical dii 1:1. dhd Cd) m^helio ihk characlen. Synonym automated data medium.

machinę word: Synonym Computer word.

macrobend:    A relalively la r^e-radiu! behd ih ah

oplical fi ber, iuch ai miehi be found ih a iplice or&ahuer iray or a fiber-oplic cable thal hai beeh behl. Notę. A macrobend will reiull ih hoiighifbanl radialion lon if il il of lufficienlly lar ce radiui. The de fihilioh of *1 ulTb b hlly lar^e” depehdl Ohlhelype of fiber. $ih£le-mode H ber i have a Iow numer bal dperlu/e. lypically len Ihan 0.15. dhd are Iherefore are morę luiceplibk lo behd bnei Ihan olher lypei. Normally, ihey will nol lokrale a minimum behd radiui of ku Ihan 65 b 75 cm C25 lo3 inchei). Cerlain ipeciali/ed lypei of lin^le-rrcde fi beri. however, can blerale a far ihorier mihimum bend radiui withoul appreciable lon. A &raded-ird£x muhimode fiber havih£a oore diaireler of50 p m ahd a humericaldperlureof0.20 will lypically lokraka minimum behd radiui of nol ku Ihan 3.8 cm Cl.5 inchei). The fiber i oommonly uied ih cmbmer-premiiei applbaliom C625-*im oore) lypically have a relalively hj&h nurroricalaperiure, C^pprcuimalely 0.27). ahd cah lok rak a behd radiui of len Ihan an i hch C2 5 c m). [A ller FAA ]

macrobend loss:    Th an oplical fiber. Ihal bu

alUibuldble lo macrobehdih£. Sync\n>vn currature lott.

majnette card: A card wilh a ma^neli/able lurface oh which dalacah be iloredahdrelrieved. Cl88)

majnetlc drcułt: I. The oompiele cloied palh likeh by ma&nelic fiu*. 2. A region of ferroma^nslb makrial. iuch ai Ihe core of a iramformer or lolenoid. ihalconlaini enenlially all of Ihe magnelic f lux.

majnetle core storaje: Th oompuler lechnob&y. a ilora^e devbeihal uiei fe rrom^&netic maleriali i uch ai iron. iroh ewcide. or ferrile ahd ih iuch ihapei ai w i rei, broidi, ahd redl.



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