b; Abbrz naltonfor bit.
B: Abbrzvtałion.for bel, byt**
babble: Th transmission Systems,
the aggregale of crosstalk induced ih agiyen linę byall other lines.
backbone: I. The high-lraffic-density OOnnectiyily portioh of a ny oommuhicalions helwork. Cl88) 2. Th packet-swilched nelworks, a primary forward-direclion palh traced se<|uentially through iwo or morę major relay or iwifching slations. Nołz. Th packet-swilched nelworks. a tackbohe consisls primarily of swilches and inleriwilch tr unks.
background nolse: The total system noise in the abienceofinformalbn transmission. Cl88)
background proceaslng: The e*eculbn of lower priority Computer programs wheh higher priority programs are hol usingthe system resources. Non. Prbrilies may be assigned by system software, applicalloh software, or the operator.
backscatterlng; I. Radio »ave tropagalbn ih which the directioh of the ihcidehl and scaltered waves, resoked along a referehoe directioh Cusually hori^ontal) are opposilely directed. A signal reoeived by backscallering ii often referred to as *backscaller.'* [JPI] Cl28) 2. Tn optici, the
scatteringof light ihtoa directbn giherally opposile to the originalone.
ba<k-to-back coroiectlon: I. A direct oohhectioh between the outputof a trahimiltihgdeyce ahd the ihputofan associaled receiyingdeyice. Cl28) Non. Wheh used for equipment measuremenls or tesli ng purposes. ucha back-lo-ba:k oohneclbn elimihales the effects ofthe tiansmiisioh chahnelor medium. 2. A direct conteclion between the oulpul of a receiving devioe and the ihput to a trahsmittihg device. Non. The term "<Lrzci," as uied ih both definilbhs. may be cohstrued as permitlinga passive device such as a pad Callenuator) to aocommodale power level oohilraihli.
backup: Szz backup Alt.
backup flle: A oopy of a file madę for purposes of laler recoh str uctioh ofthe file. if necessary. Not z. A backup file may be used for preserying the inlegrity oftheoriginal file ani may be recordedon ahy suitable medium. Synonym Job-recoyery contr ol flle.
backward cbannel: I. Tn data transmission, a
lecondary channel ih which the direclbn of trans mi ssion is oohitraihedlo be opposite lothat of the primary. ił, the forward Cmer-information) channel. Non. The directioh of transmission in the backward channel is restricted by the oohlrol inierchange Circuit that oohtrols the directioh of transmisibn in the primary channel. 2. Tn a data Circuit, the channel that passes data in a directioh opposile to thatof ils associated forward channel. Cl 88) Notz /. The backwardchannel is usually used for trah s mi s i ion of i uper vi sory. ack no w ledge me ht. or er ror-oonlrol signals. The direclion of flow of these signals is opposile to that in which uier informatbn is being transferred. Non 2. The backward-channel bandwdlh is usually less than that of the primary channel, n, the forward Cuser information)chanhel.
backward recorery: The reooh strudion ofan earlier versbn of a file by usinga newer yersion ofdata reoordedin ajournal.
backward &tytal: A signal sent from the calledlolhe calling slatbn./.Ł. from the original data sihk to the originaldati source.Cl88) Non. Backward signals are usually sent yia a backward channel and may oon i i sl of s upery i sory. ack now ledgment. or control signals.
backward super vfe1on: The use of s upery i sory signal sequences from a leoohdary to a primary slalbn.
balance: Tn electrbal circuits and net worki, to adj ust tte impedanceloachieye specifo objeclives, such as to reach specified return loss objecliyes ala hybrid junctioh of two-wire and four-w i re circuits. Cl 88)
balanced: Pertai n ing to electrica I sy mmetry. C18 8)
balanced codę: I. Tn PCM Systems, a codę
eon itr lotedso tkał the freqi*ncy spectrum resulting from the transmission of ahy codę word has no dc