Hagelbarger codę:    A

OOhvolulbhal codę Ihal enablei error bunti lo be oorreclol provided ihal there are relalively bng error-free inlervali belween Ihe error bunti. Not z. Tn Ihe Hagelbarger oode, imerled parily check bili are ipreadoul in limę lolhal an error bunt ii hol likely te affocl morę Ihan one of Ile groupi ih which parily ii checked.

Half-duple? THDX) operatlon: Operalion in which oommunicalbn belween Iwo terminali occun in eilher direclion. bul in only one direclion al a limę. (l88)M?te. Hal f-duplex operalion mayoccurona half-duplex circuilor oh a duplex circuil, bul il may noloccurona iimplex circuil. S>vu?AyAir one-way reyersfble operatlon, two-way al te matę operatlon.

Halftone: Any pholomechanical prinlihg iurf<*:e or the impreiiion iherefrom in which dęte i I and lone valueiare repreienled by a leriei ofevenly ipaosd doli in var>ihc. ii^e and ihape. varying in direcl proporiion te ihe intemily oflonei ihey repreienl. [JPI]

Hammingdiilance belween 1011101 and IGOICOI ii Iwo. /Vcv« 2. The conoeplcan be extehded lo olhe r nolalbn iy ite mi. Tbr exam pte. ihe Ha mm ing diitence belween 2 M3 896 and 2333796 ii Ihree. and belween *toned'‘ and "roiei" il ii alio ihree. Synanym slgnal dl stance.

Ihe number ofdigil poi ilbm in which ihe oorreipondingdigili of Iwo binary numbenor wordi oflhe lamę bngih are difTerenl

HaFtont characterlstlc: I.Tn faciimile lyilemi, the relalionihip belween ihe de miły of ihe recorded oopy and ihe de miły of ihe objęci, . the original. (188) 2. Tn faciimile lyitemi, ihe relalbnihip be-tween ik amplitudę oflhe faciimile lignal lo eilher the demily of ihe objscl or ihe demily of ihe recordedcopy w hen only a porlion of Ihe lyilem ii under comderalioh.    Tn an FM faciimile

lyilem, an appropriale parameter olher ihan ihe amplitudę ii uied.

Hamming codę:    An error-detecling and

error-aorrecling binary codę, uied ih dala irammiiiion, Ihal can (a) delecl all lingte- and double-bilerron and(b) oorrecl all lingk-biterron. Not z. A Hamming codę latiiHei Ihe relalion 2" > n+l. where a ii ihe lołal number of bili in ihe bbck, £ ii ihe number of informalion bili in Ihe bbck, and m ii ihe number of check bili in ihe bbck, where m- a £.

Hamming d blance: The number of digil poiitiom in which Ihe oorreipondir^g digili of twobinary wordi of Ihe lamę lei^glh are di (Tereni. Ncuz i. The

Hamming welgjit: The number of non-/ero lymboli in a lymbol iequenoe. Nołz. For binary lignal i ng Hamming weighl ii ihe number of “I" bili in ihe binary iequenoe.

Handoff: L Tn cellular mobib lyilemi, Ihe prooen of iraniferring a phone cali ih progreu from one celi iranimilier ahd reoeiver ani frequency pair lo anolłe r cel I ira ni m iller and recei ve r ui ing a di ffere nl frequency pair wilhoul inlerruplbn of ihe cali. 2. Tn lalellite communicalbni, Ihe prooen of iraniferring ground-itelbn oonlrol reipomibilily from one ground ilalion te anolher wilhoul lon or ihterruplion of iervioe.(l88)

kandshaklng: I. Tn dala oommuncalbm, a iequence of evenli governed by hardware or ioftware, requiring mulual agreement of Ihe Hale of the operalional modę i prbr lo i nfcł malion e*change. 2. The proceii uied lo eitabliih communicalbni parameten belween iwo ilalioni. (188) Handihaking foliowi ihe eilabliihmsnl ofacircuil belween ihe ilalioni and preoedei inforrttelion iranifer. Tl ii uied lo ag ree upon i uch paramelenai



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