Core tfullyfilled]




galn: The ratio of oulpul currenl, yoltage.or power to input currenl. yohage, or power. reipectiyelj.

(188) Nafz ł. Gaih il ulually e*preued ih dB. Not z 2. Tf the fdtio il kil thah uhity. the gaih. e*preued In dB, will be negaliye. in w hic h caie there ii 3 lou belween input and oulpul.

galn hit: Szz Wt.

galu medium: Ah acliye medium, deyice.or ijilem ih which ampli fiCdtion of ihput COC uf l with Of withOul feedbsśok. N&z. Gaih media ihdude amplifien, laien. and ayabnehe photcdicdei (APDi).

galu of au antenna: Synonym antennagaln.

galactło radionofc*: Synenym cosmk nolse.

gap losa: I. The power bu that occuri when ah oplical i igw I ii trah i fer red f rom ow fi ber to anothe r that il axiall> aligned wilh il. bul longiludihall> leparabd ftom il. N&z. The gap allowi Ijghl from the ‘Hranimitting'’ fiber to ipreadoutai il leavei the fiberendface. Wheh it itrikei the *receiying'' fiber, lome of the lighl w i 11 e nb r the c bddi hg. whe re il i i <luickl^- loit. (AfterFAA] 2. Ah anabgoui formof coupli hg bu that ooc ur 1 between a n opticaI lource, eg.. a h LED. and a h optica I fibe r. Afcv«. Ga p lou i hot uiuall> lighifoahl at the optical detector. becauie the ten iitiveareaof the detector ii normall* lOitbwhal larger ihah the crou lection of the fiber core. Uliku the leparation ii lubitantial, all lighl emergihg from the fiber, even lhough ildivergei. will itill Itrike the detector. Syncnym longltudttial offset bss. [FA A]

gap lou

gap-loos attemiator:    Ah oplical altenualor that

expbili the principle of gap lou to reduce the optical pcwerleyel when ihierted ih-line ih the fiber path; e.g.. to prevehl laturatioh of the receiver. Nołz. Gap-lou atkhuatori ihould be uied ih-line hear the optical trammilter. [AfterFAA]

garbie: L An error in tranimiuion, receplion, encr^plion. or decr^plion that changei the lexl of a me uage or a n> porlion the reof ih 1 uch a man ner that il ii ihcorrect or undecrjptable. (TPI) 2- Th a telephone Circuit or channel, readil> audible bul uhintelligible interferehce from another Circuit or channel. Atoe.Garbk ma>,for e*ampk. take place in an FDM telephone carrier ijilem ih which ah i nter feri hg 1 ighal f rom a no the r chan ne I or i>item i demcdulated in luch a faihion that it hai ah objectionabk audio po»er level but ii honetheleu uhihklligibk.

gate: I.Adevice ha ving one o ulpul channel and one or morę input chan heli, luch that the output channel Hale ii completf, determined b> the ihput channel itato 1. e*cept during 1 w ifc hi ng tra n lie nli. 2. One of man* typei of combinational logie ekirenti having at kail Iwo inputi: z.g.. AND. OR. NAND. and NOR. (188)

gateway: I. Tn a communicatiom network.a network hodeequipped for ihbrfacing withanother network that usei different protocoli. (18 8) Notz f.gakway contain devicei luch ai prolocol trahiblou, impedahoe matohing devioei, ratę oonverieri. fauli iiobtou, or lignal tramlatori ai necenar> to provide ijilem inleroperabilit*. Italio re^uirei that mutually aoceptable almihiitrative prcoedurei beeitabliihed belween the Iwo network 1. Notz 2. A prolocol iranilatioh/mapping gatewaj intorconnecti nelworki wilk different network prolcool technologie 1 b> performing the ro^uired protocol cohyeuioni. 2- Looszly, a oompuler oon f jgured to per form the tai k 1 of a gab wa>.

gattng:    L The proce u of lelecling oni* thoie

portom ofa wave belween ipecified time interyali or belween ipecified amplitudę limili. 2- The controlling of lignali b> rrieani of combinational logie ekmenti. (188) 3. A proce u in which a predetermined let of conditiom, when eilabliihed. permili a lecond prooeu looccur. (188)



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