facet eroslon:    Th laier diodei. a

phenomehOh ih which a high fi* Id i niemiły of ul mulat*d oplical radialion cauiei degradalion of the faoeli.i.e. thoie forming lhecavity mirron. decreaiihg reflecliYily ahd reiultihg ih a decreaie of the internal quahlum efficiency ahdah increaie ih the threihold currenl.

facfllty: LA f«ed. mobil*, or tramporlable ilruclure. including Ca) all imtalled eleclrical ahd electronb wiring. ca bli ng. ahd eq uipmenl ahd (b) al 11 upporli ng llruCturei. luch ai utilily, grOuhd helwork. ahd ekclrcal i upporli ng ilructurei. Cl 88) 2, A nelwork-provided iervioe fc> ulCU of the helwork operaling admihiilralioh. 3. A tram min bu pathway ahd aisocialed equipmenl. 4. Th a proloool applicable to a dala unit, luch ai a bbck or frame.an additional i tern of informalicn ora comlraintenooded wilhih the prolocol to provide the required control. 5. A real property entity oomiiting of one or morę of the following: a building, a ilruclure, a uli lity lyikm, tavemehl,ahd underlying lahd. [JPI]

facltity groundtng system:    The eleclrically

ihlercohhocted lyilem of conduclon ahdcohdudive elemehti thatCa) providei muhiple curreht pdthi to theearth electrcde lubiyilem. ahd Cb) cohiiili of the earth electrode lubiyilem. the l&hlnit\g prokction i ubiy ite m. and the fauli prolection i ubiy ik m. C18 2)

f&cslmlfe fFAX):    I. A form of tekgraphy for the

irahimiuioh of fi*ed imagei. with or wilhoul half-tonei. with a view to their reproduction ih a permanehl form. Th thii defihilbh the term lelegraphy hai the tamę generał meaning ai defined ih the Cohvehlioh. [NTTA] [RR] 2- The prooeu by which fi*ed graphic imagei. luch ai printedtext ahd picturei. are lcanned. and the informalion converted ihloeleclrcal lighali that may be irammitted over a leleccmmuhicaticm lyilem and uied locreale a oopy of the orjgihal. or an image io produced. Cl88) Nc»z t. Wirepholo and lelephoto are faciimile via wire circuiti. Padbpholo ii faciimik vb radb. No)z 2. Technology how exiiti that per mili the iranimiiiion ahd receplion of faciimile dala to or fromaoompukr wilhoul requiring hardcofy ateither end. No)z 3. Currenl faciimile lyilemi are dciignaled anddefihed ai foliowi:

>• Group I Facitmlle: The modę of blacie a nd w hi te faciimik operation, defihed ih CC1TT ReoomrrłShdatioh T.2, that uiei double lideband modulalioh witheut any ipecial meaiurei locompreu the bandwidlh. No)z /. A 2 I6x 27$-mm document. i.«..an ZVtx I l-ihchdccument.may be trammitled ih a ppro* imalely 6 mi n uk i via a k lephone-ly pc c ircuil Additional modei ih thii group may be deiigned to operate at a lower reiolution luilabk for the iranimiiiion of 2l6x 27$-mm docurrienli in 3 to6 mi hutę i. 2. The CCTTT fre^uenciei uied are I30OH/ for w hi te and 23COH/ for blacie. The North Amerban ltihdard ii I5COH/ for while and either 2300 or 2400 H/ for bUck.

>• Group 2Faciimile: The modeof bbck and while faciimik of>eratioh. defined in CCTTT Reoommendatbh TJ. thalaocompliihei bandwidlh comprenioh by uiihg ehcoding and veitigial lideband. bute*cludei prooeuihgof the document lignalb reduoe reduhdahcy. Metz. A 2l6x 27^-mm document, t.z.. an 8W x I l-inch document, may be trammitled in approxiirakly 3 mihulei uiing a 2ICO-H/ AM-PWySB.ONera telephone-type Circuit.

> Group 3Fac»tm11«: The modeof bbck and while faciimik operation, defined in TTU-T Reoommehdatioh T.d. that ihoorporalei meam for reducing the redundant information in the lignal by uiihg a one-dimehiional run-length coding icheme prior to the mcdublion proceu. Noiz ł. A 2l6x 27^-mm document.    an 8W x I l-inch document,

may be trammitled in apt*oximalely I mihuk or len over a klephone-type Circuit with twioe the Group 2 hori/omal reiolution. The vertioal reiolution may aliobedoubled. Notz2. Group 3 Faciimile rrachinei have integral digibl modę im. Nt»z3. An oplional iwo-dimembwl bandwidlh comprenion icheme ii alio defihed s>ithin the Group 3 Faciimile Recommendalioh. No)z 4. When any CCTTT or CCTR Recommehdation ii modłfied by the TTU-T. the modified document ii deijgnakd ai an TTU-T Recommehdation.

>Group 3C Facslmlle: The Group 3 digital modę of faciimile operalion defihed in CCTTT Reoommehdation TJO. No)z. Group 3C ii alio referred to ai Group 3 Option C or ai Group 3-ód kb/l.


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