UDP:    Abbrzva.non for U ser

datagram protocol. Ah Internet probcol for datagram leryice.

UHF: Abbrz vtałaon for ultra high frecjuency. Szz electromagnetlc spectrum.

U Interface: ft>r fcaiic-rale acoeu in an Tnlegrated Seryicei Digital Ndw-ork (T$DN) enyironment. a uier-to-nelv»ork interfon reference point th^t it characbri/ed by the uieof a 2-»ire-bop tram miuion lyilem thal (a) conyeyl information betoeen the d-**ire uier-b-nelwork inlerfaoe, t.z., the Sfl referehce poiht. and the local e*changę. Cb) ii located ih tk leryicing central offioe. and (c) ii not ai diilance lemiliyeaia leryioe uiingaT interface.

ULF: AbbrzwoJion for ultra Iow fre<|uency. See electromagnetlc spectrum.

ultra high 1Ve<|uencyłUHF): Frequenciei frotn 3CO MH/to3CC0MH/. (188)

ultra Iow fVe<|t»ency ftfLF): F req uehc e i from 3CO H/ to 30COH/. (188)

ultrafiolet fur): The porlion of the electromagnetlc ipedrum in v*hich the longeil v*aselenglh ii juil bebs> the yiiible ipedrum. e*lehding from approaimably d nmtoappłodmately dCO nm.

Soirr: aulhorilei place tk lo»er limit of uy at yaluei beUreen I ahd dO nm. I nm being the upper wayelength limit of x-rayi. The dCO-nm limit ii the lo»eit yiiible wayekngth, t.z., the hjgheil yiiible frequency, yiokl.

unallowable character: Synonim Ulegał cha rac ter.

unavaflab111ty: A e*preuion of the degree b v> h ich a lyilem, lubiyilem, or equipmenl ii not ope rabie and not in acommitlabk ilale at the ilartof a minioh. when the miuion ii called for at an unkhOv>h. {.z., random, time. No>z i. The conditiom determining opera bil ily and committabilily muli te ipeci fieid. (188) Noiz 1. Expreued mathemalically. unayailabilily ii I minui the ayailability. Noiz 3. Unayailabilit* ma> alio be e*prened malhemalically ai the ratioofthe btaltimea fuhdional unit ii not capabk of being uied during a giyen inleryal to tk length ofthe inleryal,z.g., iflhe unit ii nd capable of beihg uied for 68 houn a v»eek, the uhayailabilily ii 68/168.

unbalanced ltne: A tram miuion linę. luch ai a ccaxialcable. in hich the magnitudei of the yoh^gei on the tv»o condudon are not equal with reiped to ground. (188)

unbalanced modulator: A modulator in which the modulation faclor ii different for the allernate half-cjcleioflkcarrier. (188) Synonym asymmetrlcal modulator.

unbalanced w1re drcult: A Circuit in which the lv»o lidei are inherenlly eledrically diuimilar.(188)

unboundmode: Synonym radlatlon modę.

unbundllng: Tn the contexl of tk FCC'i Computer TTT Tnquiry.the proceuof leparating indiyidual tariffed offeringi and lerybei thal are auociated wKh a ipecific element in the CET or ONA lariff from olher tariffed baiic leryioeofferingi. [Afler para. 158. FCC Fzport owi Ordzr,J\Ll\Z 16. 1986 ]

underflow: Tncomputing.a oondilionoccurring v*hen a machinę cafculalion prcduoei a non-zero reiultthat ii imaller than the imalleitnon-^eroquantil> thatthe machine’i itorage unit ii capable of itoring or repreienling

underground cable: A ccmmunicatbn cable de ligned to be placed underthe iur face of the Earth in a dud lyilem ihat iiolatei it from dired oonlad vyith tk loil. (188) Conimsi wt/h dlrect-burled cable.

underlap: Tn faciimile. a defed thaloccun when the widlh ofthe icanning linę ii len than the icanning pilch.

undershoot: Szz overshoot.

undeslred slgnal: Any tignal that tendi to prcduoe degralation in the cperatbn ofequipmentor lyilemi. (188)

undetected error ratę:    DzęrzcoJzd synonym for

undeteded error ratlo.


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