T: AbbrzvaaJton.for tera{ I011). Szz Inter natlonal System of Unlts.
Tactlcal Automatic Dlfcttal S\ritcMn& System fTADSS): A tramportable itore-ahd-fors*ard meiiage-iwitchihg ijitm uied for rapkl deployment ih lupporlof lidieal foroei. (188) tactlcal command and eon troi (C1) Systems: The equipmenl. communicationi, procedurei, and penonnel enential lo a commahder for plahning directing, coordinating and controlling, tactical operatom of ani^ned foreei furmani to aui&ned miniom.
tactlcal Communications: Communicationi in which information of any kind. eipocially orden ahd deciiiom. are oonveyed from one command. perion. or place loanother within the tactical foreei. uiually by meam of electronic equipmenl. includint communicationi lecurily e^uipmenl, or^ahic to the tactical foreei.(188) Nołz. Taclicalccmmunicaliohi do not inclule communicationi provided lo tactical foreei by the E>efeme Communicationi Syilem (DCS). lo nonlaclicdl military oommandi. and to tactical foreei by ci vil organ baliom.
tactlcal Communications system: A communicationi lyilem thalfa) ii uied within, or in direcl lupporlof, tadical foreei, (b) ii deiigned to meel the requirementi of changing tactical liluatbm and yarying ehyironmental condilbm, (c) providei lecurablecommunbationi, iuch ai yoice.data, and video. among mobile men to facilitate command and ccotrol wilhin.and in lupporlof. tadical foreei, and (d) uiually re^uirei extremely ihort initallation li met, uiually on the order of houn, ih order to rred the requiremenli offrequent relocation. (188)
tactlcal data Information link fTADTL): A
ilahdardi/ed oommunicalioni link, approved by the JoinlStaff, that ii luitable for tram min bn of digital informalbh. and ii charactori/ed by itandardiaed meuage formati and tranimiiibn charaderiilici. (188)
tactlcal data Information link—A fTADTL—A): A netled link in i»hich one uhiladi ai a nd oohlrol llalbn ahd interrogalei each unit by roli cali. Noiz. Onee interrogated. that unit tram mili iti data to the net. Th ii meam that each unii receivei dli the information tranimilled. Thii ii a direcllramfer of dala and no relaying ii ihvol v ed. (188)
tactlcal data Information link—B fTADTL—B): A
poi nt-lO"t>oi hl da Id link bdv»een IwO unill v»hbh proydei for limultanecui tranimiuion and reeeption of dala (dupie*). (188)
tactlcal load: For the hoil iervbe tadical forom. the lotal po»er requiremenli for oommunicalioni, includinc. the req ui re me nti for i*eapon i. ddeclbn. command and control lyitemi, and related luppon functiom. (188) Noto. The tactical load ii a part of the operalional load.
T ADTL: Acronym for tactlcal data Information link.
TADSS: Acronym for Tactlcal Automatic Digital SwItcWng System.
taj: Szz flag. tabel.
tag Image flle format ITITT): A fik format uied lo Uore an image uiing the parlbular data itrudure of the nie. (188)
TAI: Abbrz waJion. for International Atomie Time.
tali Circuit: A communbationi lihe from the end of a major trammiuion link, iuch ai a microv»aye link. latellite link.or LAN. to the end-uier bcation. Notz. A taił Circuit ii a part of a uier-lo-uier oonhedion.
tafllng: Tn faciimik lyitemi. the excenive
prolongalion of the decay of the ignal. (188) Synonym łiangover.
takeoff angle: Synonym departure angle.
tandem: Pkrtainihgloan arrangemenlor iequehcing of hdworki. circuiti, or linki, in w>hich the output terminali of one neu»ork, Circuit, or link are conneded directly lothe inpul terminali ofaholher nelwork, circuit. or link. No/z. For e*ample. concatenated microwave linki comtitute a landem connedion. (188)