a: AbbrztnaJton for atto CIO-11).

Szz metrlc system.

abandoned cali: A cali in s>hich 1he Cdii origihdlor dilCOhhecll or canceli ihe cali diler a cohnection hal beeh madę, bul beforelhe Cdii il eiliblilhed

abbreTlateddlallng: A lelephone leryioe featurę thal fa) permili ihe uier lo didl fewer digiti lo acoen d nelwork Ihdh are required uhder the nominał humtering plan. and fb) ii limited lo a lubicriber-ie leded id of frequenlły dialed hu (fi beri. Syuonym spee d dlallng.

abort: I. Th a Computer or dala tram mi non lyilem. fc> terminale, uiually ih a oonlrolled manner, a proce U i hg dCtiy ily becduie il ii impouible or uhdeiirable for the acliyily lo proceed. 2. Th dala Ifd h irn il l bh. d fuhelioh ih yoked by d ie hdi hg lldlioh lo cauie Ihe recipieni lo diicardor ignore dli bil lo^uchcei irahimilled by Ihe ichder lihce Ihe preccdihg flag iequehoe.

abraslre: Ahy of a humber of Kard maleriali. luch ai dlumihum oxide. lilicoh Cdrbde. dhd diamohd. thal are powdered dhd carefully graded according to parłeś ibe, and uied lo ihape andfor finiih oplical elemenli. including ihe ehdfaoet of oplical fiben dhdoohhectori. Nett. bot fihilhihglhe endfacei of oplical fiber oohheclon, aUaiive partie ki are adhered to a lubilraleof plailic film. ih a faihion after thalof landpaper. The film ii in lurn luppcftsd byahard.nal plale. Theoohheclor ii lupporied by a fix1urethal hokii il lecurely ih ihe proper poiilioh for lin ii bing.    The grinding molioh may be

perforired mahually or by a machinę. [After FAA]

absolut* delay: Theliite inieryal or phaie difference belween trahimiuioh and receplioh of a lignal. fl U)

absolut* galu: I. Of a n anten na, for a gjyen direclioh ahd polari/alioh, Ihe ralio of fa) Ihe po»er thal v»ould be required al ihe ihpulofan ideał iiolropic radialor lo (b) Ihe pov»er aclually lupplied lo Ihe giyeh ahlehhd, to produce ihe iame radialioh intemily ih ihe far-Held regioh. Notz y. Tf hO direclioh ii giyen. ihe abiolule tam of an ahlehha oorreipordi lo Ihe direclioh of maximum effectiye radialed pos*er. Notz2. Abiolule gaih ii uiually expreued ihdB.fl88) Synonym 1sotropie gafo. 2. Of a device, Ihe ralio of fa) Ihe lignal level al Ihe oulpul of Ihe device lof b) Ihalof iii ihpul uhder a Ipecified lei of opera li hg oohdiliohl. Not z V. E*amplei ofabiolute gain are no-loalgaih. full-load gaih. ahd imall-iighdl gaih. At»z 2. Abiolule gaih ii uiually expreued ih dB. f122)

absolut* temperatur*:    Szz thermodynamlc


absorptlou:    Th Ihe trahimiuioh of eleclrical.

eledrom^gndic. or acouitic i ighal i. Ihe eon ver lioh oflhe irahimiltedehergy inlo anolher form. uiually ihermal. fl88) [Afer 2196] Notzf. Abiorplioh ii Ohe came of lighal altehualioti Notz 2. The cohvenioh lakei place ai a rei uli of inleraclion telween ihe ihcidehi ehergy ahd ihe materiał medium. allhe molecular or atomie level.

absorptlon band: A ipeclral regioh ih whieh Ihe abiorplioh ocefTiciehi reacheia relalive minimum, by virlue oflhe phyiical properliei oflhe maller ih »hich Ihe abiorplbh proceti lakei place. [FAAJ

absorptlon coeffldent: A meaiure oflhe atlehualion cauied by abiorplioh ofehergy thal reiulli from iii pauage ihrough a medium. [Afler 2196] Notz /. Abiorplioh coefTicienii are uiually e*presied in uhiliofreciprocal diildhce. Notz2. The ium oflhe abiorptbh coelTiciehl ahd ihe icallerihg ooefficienl ii the ailehualioh coefficiehl.

absorptlon Indes: I. A treaiure of the allehuation cauied by abiorplioh ofehergy per uhilof diilance thal oocuri ih an efedromaghelic »a*« of giyen Mdyelehgth propagalihg ih a materiał medium of giyeh refradiye ihdex. Notz. The yalue of ihe abiorplioh ihdex K' il giyeh by Ihe reldlioh


where K ii the abiorplioh ooefficieht. A ii Ihe v»dyelehgth ih yacuum, ahd a ii ihe refradiye ihdex of ihe abiorptiye malerial medium. fl88) [After 2I96] 2. The fuhclbhal relaliohihip belweeh the



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