Dł: (Pronoanrzd "O-Słar") Szz speelflc detectlrlty.

D-A: Abbrz.viaiton.for d1g1tal-to-

analog. Szz dlgltal trananlsslon system.

DACS:    Acronym for dlgltal aCC*SS and CTOSS-

oonnect system.

DAMA:    Abbrzvaiton for demand asslgnment

multlple access.

damplng: I. The progjenive dimihulion wilk limę of oeridin qudhiniei chdrdcleriilic of 3 phenomenon. 2. The progreiiive deedy v»Hh limę ih the amplitudę oflhe free oicil Idliom i u 3 Circuit. (188)

dark curnent: The exlefhdl current Ihdl, under Ipecified bidiihg OOhdiliOhi, flowl ih 3 photocohductiY* deteclor s>hen ihere ii ho inedent rddidlioh. (188)

data:    Repreiehldlion of fddi. ooncepli, or

imlfuctioni ih 3 formdli/ed rndnner luilable for oommunicdlion. inierprelitioh. or prooeuing by łmrndhi or by dutomatic medhi. Ahy repreiehidijoh'. luCh 31 chdfdClen or dhdlog qudhliltel lo w h te h medhingiior mighl bedii^ghed. [JPI]

data access arrangement:    I. Th public iwilched

te te phone networ k i. 3 ii ngle ile m or group of iłem i 3l ite cuilomer i de oflhe network ihlerf3ce for ddld iTdhimillioh pufpoiei, ihdudihg dli e^uipitte hl Ihdl indy 3ffecllhech3f3cleriuici oflhe imerfdoe. 2. A ddld circuil-lermihdting equipment (DCE) lupplied or 3pproved by 3 oommoh cdrrier ihdi permili 3 DCE or ddld lermih3l equipmenl (DTE) t> be dtlichedlolhecommcn cdrrter helwork. Nołz. D3ld <*xen drrdhgemehti 3re 3h inlegfdl pdrl of 3ll ircdemi buillforthe public telephohe nelwork.

data attrfbute: A ch3r3deriilic of 3 ddtd element luch 3i lenglh, vdlue. or melhod of repreiehldlioh.

data bank: I. A lei of ddld re Idled te 3 gi -.e n i ubject 3hdor£3hised ih luch 3 wdy thdl ilC3h be COhlulted by men. 2. A ddld repoiilory doceuible by locdl 3hd remole uien. (188) Nołz. A ddld fcsdhk mdy cohldih Information on lingle or mullipte lubjecli. indy be Ofgdhi/ed ih dhy fdliOhdl mdhher. indy oohidih morę ihdh one ddldbdie, 3hd mdy be geogfdphicdlly dill/ibutód. Morę thdh Ohe ddld bdhk mdy be roą uirol lo bui ki 3 oom prehe h i ive ddld bdie.

database: I. A lelof ddld Ihdl ii required for 3 itecific purpoie or ii fuhddmehidl lo 3 lyilem. projecl. enierpriie, or buiineu. (188) Nołz. A ddldbdie mdy oohiiitofohe or morę ddld bdnki dhd be geogrdphicdlly diiiribu.ie.-d dmong ieverdl repoiiloriei. 2, A formdlly ilruclured oolleclion of ddld. Notz. Th dulomdted ihformdlioh lyilemi.lhe ddldbdie il mdhipuldted uiihg 3 ddldbdie mdh^geitteht lyilem.

database englneerlng: The diicipline ihvolving(d) Ihe cohceplioh. model i hg, dhd credlbn, t.z., progrdmmihg. of 3ddldbdie,(b) ddld 3hdlyiii dhd ddmihillrdtioh of Ihe ddldbdie, 3hd (c) ddldbdie documehldlioh.

database management system (DBMS): A loftwdre lyitem ihdl fdcilildtei (d) the credlioh dhd mdihiehdhce of 3 ddldbdie or ddldbdiei.dhd (b) ihe e*eculjoh of Computer progrdmi uiihgthe ddldbdie orddldbdiei.(l88)

data burst: Synonym burst trammlsslon {def. #2).

databus: A bul uied te> irdhiferddld itKin or te. dhd fromd proce uihg uhil or ilordge devioe.

data drcutt connectlon: The ihlerconnection of dhy ccmbihdlioh of lihkl dhd Ifuhkl, Oh 3 Idhdem bdlil, by medhl of Iwilchihg e^uiplttehl te fdcilildle ihformdlioh ihierchdhge. (188)

datacfrcult-termlnatlng egułpnwnt: Szz DCE.

dstacolkctlon fadllty: A fdcility for gdlhering dhd orgdhb ihgddld from 3 groupof lourcei.

data communlcatlon: The irdhifer of ihformdlioh between fuhcliohdl uh Hi by medhi of ddld Irdhimiiiion scoordingtod prolocol. (l88)Atv«. Ddld dre trdhiferred from oueor morę lcurcei loone or morę linki o\er ohe or moreddtd linki.

data communlcatlon eon troi procedur*: A medhi uied te oohirol Ihe orderly commuhicdlion of ihformdlioh dmong ildliohi ih dddla oommuhtedlion nelwork.


Podobne podstrony:
FED-STD-I037C PABX: Abbrzvłaiio/ for prtrate automatlcbranch eschange. Szz PBX.
FED-STD-I037C T: AbbrzvaaJton.for tera{ I011). Szz Inter natlonal System of Unlts. Tactlcal Automati
FED-STD-I037C W-1 wafle r. A thin ilice of lemicctiduCtihg materiał, i uch dl
FED-STD-I037C APPENDTX A: ABBRE YTATTONS and A CROfm-TS [fłzms showmn bold rzęrzsznJ Izrm namzsor
FED-STD-I037C APPEtNPT* B ABBREYIATED TNDEX Thii indexoohiiiliofgroupingi of relaled principol ferm
FED-STD-I037C b; Abbrz naltonfor bit. B: Abbrzvtałion.for bel, byt** babble:    Th
FED-STD-I037C cable: L Au auembly of o w or morę iniulaled condudon. or optcal fi te ri. ora co
FED-STD-I037C E & M sljnallnj: Th lelephony, an arran^emenl that uiei leparale kaii.calkdlt
FED-STD-I037C facet eroslon:    Th laier diodei. a phenomehOh ih which a high fi* Id
FED-STD-I037C Core tfullyfilled] Core Cladctng Ctnddlr.fi galn: The ratio of oulpul currenl,
FED-STD-I037C Hagelbarger codę:    A OOhvolulbhal codę Ihal enablei error bunti lo be
FED-STD-I037C Hagelbarger codę:    A OOhvolulbhal codę Ihal enablei error bunti lo be
FED-STD-I037C TC4: Abbrz viafianfcr Tntematlonal Communications
FED-STD-I037C Jabber:    Th local dred nelworki. 1/dhimillioh by d ddla lldlbti beyon
FED-STD-I037C label:    I, An identifier wilhih or dttdched to d lei of ddtd elementi
FED-STD-I037C NA:    AbbrzvtaJiO/ for numer kał ap er turę. na1led-Up drcult:
FED-STD-I037C object: . Th image prooeiiihg. a lub-region of an image ^al ii peroeivedaia lingl
FED-STD-I037C 9CF 180° guadrature phase-ihift ke>ih£ QA:    AbbrzvtaJian far
FED-STD-I037C rac* way:    Wilhin a building. ah ehdoiure. /.«.. channel, uied lO con

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