TC4: Abbrz viafianfcr Tntematlonal Communications Assodatlon.    U

ICI: Abbrz vtakon for 1ncom1ng cali    *


TCMP: AbbrzvtaHon.for Internet Controi Message Protocol Ati Internet prdoool that ne porli dala&ram delivery errori. NaJz i. TCMP ii a key parlof the TCP/TP protocol luite. r^oiz 2. The p*ket internet gopherfpii^applbalion ii baied on TCMP.

fcon:    Tu Computer lyitemi. a imali, pctełial

repreiChtaliOh of an applicalbh !OfU»are package. idea. or ooncepl uied ih a windo* or a me hu lo repreiehlcommahdi, fi lei, or opliohi.

ICW: AtóriwaAicw/brlntemipted continuom wave.

Identification, frlendor foe UFF): A lyitem uiing eketrom^hetie trahimiuiohi to which eąuipment carried by friendly forcei aulomatically reipohdi, for exampk. by emitling puliei, thereby diilinguiihing lhemielvei from ehemy forcei. [JPI] Afotz. The leoohdary iurveillahce radar (S$R) lyilem uied ih modern air traffic control lyitemi ii an oufgrowth of the military TFF lyitem uied durihg World War TT. The TFF e^uipment carred by modern mililary aircrafl ii compalible wilh the tramponder lyilem uied for civiIiah air traffic contro!.

Identification Mend or foe personal Identlfler: The

diicrete dehtification. friehd or foe codę aujgnedto a particular aircrafl. ihip. or other yehicle for idenli ficatbn by e ketron ic mean i. [JPI ]

Identlfler UD):    I. Tn telecommuhicationi ahd data

prooeuing lyitemi, one or morę characlen uied to idehtify. name.or ckaracleri/e the naturę, propertiei, or oontenli ofa let of data elemenli. 2. A ilringof biti or characten that namei an entity, luch ai a progra m. de v ice. or iy item. i h ordę r that othe r e nlitiei can cali that entity. 3. Tn programming languagei. a lexical unit that namei a language objęci, luch ai a variiUe, array, rocod. label, o prccedure. Na}z. An identifier ii placed i n a U bel. The labę I ii attac hed to. ii a part of. or remaini anociated wilh. the informalbn il identifiei. Tf the la bel beoomei diiauociated from the informatbn il identifiei. the informalion may not be acoenible.

TDF:    Abbrznaiian. far intermedlate dlstrlbutłon


1dle-cbannel nofee:    Noiie that ii preient in a

ccmmuhicatbni channel w hen no ijgnali areapffied. No!z. The channel oonditiom and terminatiom mmt be itaterl for dle-channel noiie meamrementi to be meaningful. (122)

1 dl e character: A oontrol character that ii tranimilted w hen no uieful informalion ii being tranimitted. [From Weilc '29]

1 dl e-Tinę termin ati on: A iwilch-oonlrolled electrbal nelwork that maintaim a ckiired impedancealatrunk or linę terminal that ii in the idle itale. (122)

1dle State: The telecommuhicationi iervi« condition that exiiti svhenever uier meuagei are not being tranimitled bul the iervioe ii immsdiately available for me.

Idletlme: A perbd durihg which a lyilem, Circuit, or component ii not in me. but ii available.

TDN: Abbrz* su ton for tntegrated dfcltal network.

TDTV:    AbbrzvxxJian far 1mproved-deflnftton


TF: Atórewo^iCYi/orlntermedlate fVe»jtiency.

T/F: Abbrz woJjcyi far Inter face.

ITT: Abbrz vtałtan.for Identification, frtend or foe.

TFRB: Abbrzvsx>ian. far International Fre<|uency Reglstratlon Board.

TF repeater: Szz heterodyne repeater.

TFS: Abbrzfzutan far lonospherlc forward scatter. Szz tonospberlc scatter.

TLD: AbbrznaJian far Injectlon laser diodę.

Ulegał character: A character. or a combi nalion of bili, that ii not valid in a given lyilem aioording to ipecifiedcriteria. rnchai wilh reipeclloa ipecified alphabet, a particular patiern of bili, a rute of formalioh. or a check codę. (From Weilc '29]



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