object: \. Th image prooeiiihg. a lub-region of an image ^al ii peroeivedaia lingleentily. Mo/z. An imag-: can conlain morę than one objęci. 2. Th faciimile tyiteim. the ima#. ihe likenen of s»hich ii lo be lrammilled.

object perslstence: Th a video diipla*. diilortion wherein the ehlirely of iome objecUorobjecU) that appeared ih a previoui frame (ahd that ihould no bnger appear) remain ih the currehl frame and ih iubiequenl framei ai a faded image oraian outlihe.

object retentlon: Th a video diipla*. diilortion ih which a fragment of ah object that appeared ih a prevbui frame (ahd ihould no longer appear) remaim ih the currehl a ud iubiequenl video framei.

oceanograpHIc data statlon: A italion in the mari-ti me mobi le ler vioe localed oh a ih i p, buo^, et olhe r lemor platform the eminioni of which are uied for trahimiuion ofoceanographic dala. [NTTA]

OCR: Abbrznaj&n for optlcal chara eter reader, optlcal character recognWon.

octet: A bjle of eighl binar^ digili umaił* operated uponai anemii*. (I88)

octet allgnrnent:    The configuralion of a field

compoied ofah i nlegral nurn ber of ocieli. Atac.Tf the field ii noldiviiible b* eighl, bili (uiuall* /eroi) are added to either the fint octet (lefl juilificalion) or the la il ociel (right juilificalion).

OD: AbbrzwaJaon. for optlcal denslty.

odd-even cHeck: SyicYi*/* parłtycheck.

OCC: Abbrwako*\ foro\)\vr common carrler.

occupancy: For eęuipmenl. luch ai a Circuit or a lwich. the ratio of the actual limę ih uie b the available time during a l-hour period. No)z ł. Ctaeupanc* ii urnall* eaprened ih peroenl Notz 2. Oacupanc* ma* be plotled veriui time of da*. Synonym UiiJŁ

occuptedbandwldtb: The widthofa frequenc* tahd lich that, te Iow the Iower ahd above the upper frequerc* li mili. the meah po wen emilled areeach oqual loa ipecifed percentage 6(2 of the lotal meah power of a given emiuioh. Uhleii otherwiie ipocified b* the CCTR for the appropriale elan of emiuioh, the value of 6(2 ihould be laken ai 0.5%. [NTTA] [RR] Cl 88) Nołz i. The percehtage of the btal power ouliide the oocupied bandwidlh ii repreienud b* 6. No/z 2. Th iome caiei. zg.. mulic han hel frequehc*-diviiion mulliplexihg i*ilemi. uie oflhe 0.5SŁ limiti ma* leadlooertaih diffiCulliei ih the praclcal applicatbh of the defihitbh of OOCupied ahd heoeiiar* bandwidlh; ih luch caiei. a dilTerent percentage ma* prove uiefuJ.

oeeanographlcdaiatnterrogatlngstatlon: A ilatioh ih the maritime mobile iervbe the emiuiohi of which are uied to ihitiate, modif* or terminale fuhdiohi of equipmehl di recll* ancoaled wilh an ceeahographic data itatioh, including the ilatioh ilielf. [NTTA]

oddparlty: Szz parlty, parltycbeclc

OFC: Abbrzv*vion fbr optlcal flber. conductlye Not z. OFC ii the deijgnatioh given b* the National Fire Prdectioh Auociation (NFPA) to interior fiber-oplc cablei w h ich centa ih at leail one electricall* conductive. hon<urrehl<arr*ihgoompoheht. luch ai a meta Hic ilrength member or vapor barrier, and which are nolcertified for uie in plenum or riier applicalbhi. [A ller FAA]

OFCP: Abbrzvtaxon for optlcal flber, conductłye, plenum. Notz. OFCP ii the deii^hatioh ^iven b> the National Fire Proleclion Auociation (NFPA) to inlerbr fifcer-oplic cablei which conlain al leail one electrically    oonductive,    hon-current-carr^ih^

oompohenl luch ai a metallc ilren^th member or vapor barrier. and »hch are oertified for uie ih pleń urna pplicaliom. [A fte r FA A]

OFCR: A bbrz v*aitor\for optlcal flber, conductl^e, rlser. Moiz. OFCR ii the deii^nation ^iveh b> the National Fire Proleclion Auociation (NFPA) to inlerbr fiber-oplb cablei whbh conlain at leail one eleclricall*    oonductive.    non-currehl-carr>ih^

oomponenl luch ai a metallc ilren^th member or vapor barrier. and which are oertified for uie in riier applicalbhi. [Aller FAA]



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