label:    I, An identifier wilhih or

dttdched to d lei of ddtd elementi.

2. One or mów chdrdcten thal Cd) ar>£ wilhih or dttdched t> d lei of ddtd element! dhd Cb) repreient inforiration dtect the iet, includih& ill rientircdlbn. 3. Th ootntnuhicdlbni. inforrrulioh wilhih d meii^&e that ii uied to identify ipccific iyltem pdrdmefcri, luch di the pdrtCuldr Circuit wilk w h ich the meud&e ii diiccidted. /Vow. Me ud^ei thdt do nol reUte tocdll oohtrol ihculd holoohldih d U bel. 4. Th t>ro&rdmmin& Idh&ua&ei.dh identifier tłidt hdmei d lUtemeht. 5. Ah identifier thdt ihdcdlei the lehliti yity of the dttdched ihformilbh. 6. For cUllified ihformdtioh.dh dchtifier thdt ihdiOdtei Cd) the lecurity level of the dltoched informdtion or Cb) the itccifc Cdfct.ory ih wilie h the dttdched ihformdtioh belon&i.

labeled cbannel:    Th ihte^rdled leryioei di^itdl

hdtworlci. fTSDN). d time-ordered iet of dli błock fdyloddl thdt hdv« UU.ll OOhtdihih& the idltte ihforrrwtioh./.€.,cohtdihih^ the id me identifieri.

labeled Interfaoe structure: Tn inte&rdted lerycei di^itdl het worki (TSDN). dh interfdoe itructure thdt t>rovidei telecommuhcdtiohi iervioeidhd ii£hdlih£ by medh i of Idbe led c hdh he li.

labeled n«ilt1p1«xlng: Th inte&rdted iervioei di^itdl het worki (TSDN), multiple.xih£ by cohcdtendlion of the błock i of the c hdh heli thdt hdve differeht identifieri ih their Idbeli.

labeled statlstlcal cbannel: Th inte&rdted ler-.cei di&itdl networki (TSDN). d Ubeled chdhnel ih which the błock pd^loddi or the durdtion of edch iuOceui\e błock ii rdhdom.

Lambertlan radiator: Szz Lambert’* coslne law.

Lambertlan reflector: Sez Lambert'* coslne law.

Lambertlan source: Ah opticdl lource thdt obeyi Ldirtberl‘1 coiine Idw. Cl 88) Atae. Cohyentiohdl CmrfdO£-einittih&) LEDi dpprcwcimate d Ldmberlidh lource. They hdye d Idr^e bedm diyer&enoe. dhd d r jiidlch pdtkrn thdt dppro* i mitel d iphere. Thui. moit Of their touloptiodloulput ii hot OOupled ihtO coimnuhcdtiohi fi beri.

Lambert'* c osinę law: The ma the miticdl itdtetnenl thdt the rddUnoe of certaih idedli-red opticdl lourcei ii direclly t>ro(C>rtiohdl to the ooiine of the dh£k wilk reipect to the direction of ma<imum rddidhce from whch the iouroe ii yiewed. Afc>/e. LdmberTi coiine Idw mdy dlio dpply to oertdin idedli/ed diffuie reflector i. Synonim* coslne emtislon law. Lambert ’* emtislon law.

Lambert 's emlsslon law: Synanym Lambert** coslne law.

LAN: Acronym farlocal area network.

LANappltcatlon (software): An dpplicdtion loftwdre pdckd&e i peci Hcd I Ijr deiigned looperdle ih d locdl-dred-nelwork enyironmeht.

land linę:    A oollo^uidl ndirc for oonyentiohdl

lelephone fdcihtiei. Notc. Ldhd linei ino lnie cohventbhdl twiikd-pdir linei, cdrrier fdcilitiei, dnd microwdve rddio fdcilitiei for lupfortihg d COhyehtiOhdl telephOhechdhhel, but do not irclude idtellite linki or mobile tekphohe linki uiin^ r^dio trdhimiubhi.



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FED-STD-I037C PABX: Abbrzvłaiio/ for prtrate automatlcbranch eschange. Szz PBX.
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