yalldatlon: I. Telli lo determine wbelher an implemenkd lyitem ful fil U hi requiremenii. 2. The checkingofdala for oorreclneu or for oom pl Lance wilh applicable itandardi, rulei.dhdoonyenliohi.

(188) 2. [The] proce u of applyin^ ipeciali/ed iccuriiy kil and eydlualion prooedurei. looli, and e^uipmenl needed toeilabliih aooeplanoe for joint uia&e of an ATS by one or irore departmenli or 4&enciei and iheir oonlracton. Notz. Thii action »ill include. ai neoeuary. finał deyebpmenl. eydlualion. and leili n£, preparatory to aooe piance by '.enlor lecmity kilandeyaluation ilaff ipecialiiti. [NTS] 4. Tn uniyenal penonal lelecommunicalbni, ihe prooeu of yerifyin^ ihal a uier or terminal ii aulhori/edloaoceu UPT leryicei.

ralue-added carrler:    A company Ihal telli the

leryicei of a yalue-added nelwork.

yalue-added network fYAN): A nelwork uiin^ihe oommunicalioh lerybei of other oommercial carrien, min& hardware and loflware ihal perm ii enhanood kkocmmunicalion leryicei lo be offered.

VAN: Acronym for yalueaddtd netsrork.

yariable len^tb bufTer: A buffer inlo which dala may be entered al one rale and remoyed al anolher rate wilhoul chancinc. the dala iequence. ( 122) Notz. Moil finl-in firil-oul (FTFO) ilora&e deybei are yariable-lengih bulTeri in ihatlhe inpul rale may te yariable while ihe oulput rale ii oomlanl or ihe outpul rale may be yariable while Ihe inpul rak ii oomlanl. Varioui c lock i n^ and conlrol lyilemiare uied lo al Iow oonlrol of underHow or oyerflow oonditbni.

yariable slope delta modulatlon: Szz conttnuouily yariable slope delta modulatlon.

yariance: Tn ilaliilici. in a popuJalion of iamplei. Ihe mean of Ihe iquarei of the dilTerencei belween Ihe reipecliye iamplei ahd Iheir mean. e*preued malhemalically ai:

if .

where n ii ihe humber of iamplei, x, ii Ihe ydlue of lampie <. r i i ihe meah of ihe lam pk i, and a1 i i Ihe yariance. Not z. The iquare rooloflhe y ariance, a. ii Ihe ilandarddey kation.

yarlant: ł. One of l wo or morę codę iy m bot i w h ich haye ihe id me plai n kxl eq uiydlenl. [NTS] 2. One of leyeral plain te*l meanin&i thalare repreiented by a i i ngle codę $roup. [JPI ]

yartatlon monitor: T n ac power diitribulion. a <kybe for leming deyialbm of any meaiured yariable, i uch a i yollage. cm rem. or f req ue ncy. a nd capa bk of ihitialinga program med adbn. i uch ai tra n ife r to other power lomoei. w hen program med li mili of yohd&e. cmrent, fre^uency, or limę are exceeded. or proyidin^an alarm, or bolh.f 188)

yars: A bbrz naiton.for yolt-amperes r tac tlye.

VC: Abbrzwałtonfor rtrtual drcult.

VDU: Abbrzrajion for ytual display unit Szz monitor.

yector processor: Synonim array processor.

yerlfled off-Hook: Tn telephone lyilemi. a leryice proyided by a unii ihal ii inierkdon eachendofa Iranimiuion circuil for ihe purpoie of yerifyin^ luperyiiory iic.mli on the Circuit. (188) Szz automatlc rlngdown drcult

yerttcr an$le: T n an oplbal fi ber. the a n^Je for med by ihe e*lreme bound meridional rayi acoepkd by Ihe fi ber. or emer$ih£ from il. equal lo Iw be Ihe accepiance angk: the an&le for med by the larceil cone cf l&hlaccepled by Ihe fi ber oremilled from il. [FAA]

yertlcal redundancy cbeck fVRC):    Synonym

transyerse redundancycbeck.

yery H1fcł» 1Ve<|uency (VHF):    Frequencki from

30 MH/ to 3C0MH/. (188)

yery Iow 1Ve<|uency fVLF): Fre^uenciei from 3 kH/ lo30 kH/. (188)

ytsitlfclal sldeband fVSB) transmbslon: Modified AM iranimiuion in whbh one i de band. ihe carrier.



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