E & M sljnallnj: Th lelephony, an arran^emenl that uiei leparale kaii.calkdlte "E” k<*i and *M" kdd. for lijhdlihjdhd lupcr yiiory purpoiei. A(otz /. The near ehd lighdli the far ehd by applyihj <18 \dctolhe*Vf" kad, which reiulli inajrouhd beihc. applied b the far ehd'i <<E'1 lead. Wheh d8 vdc ii applied to the far ehd kai. Ihe hear-end *E” kad ii jrounded. Noiz 2. The *E'' originally ilood for *ear.'' /.z., »hen Ihe hear-ehd "E" lead »ai jrounded. the far ehd »ai cdllih£dhd“v»dhted }Our ear.^The^M" ori^ihally ibcdfor "modli,'1 beeauie »he h the hear-ehd »anted to cal I (*. *. i peak to) the far ehd. d8 vdc s>ai applied tolhat kad.

earth: Szz jround.

Earth coveraje fl?C): Th lalellik oommuhicalbm. ihe ooveraje thaloccun v»hen the idtellite-lo-Earth team ii lulTiciently »ide locover aII oflhe lurface of the Earth expoied to the lalellile, <«.. the foolprinl ii di lar je di il cah pouibly be from a jeojraphk ilahdpoinl. (188)

earth electrode subsystem: A network of electrically ihlerccfchected rodi. piąte i. mati.or jridi. initalkd andoohhected, for the purpoie ofeitabliihiuja lov»-reiiilanoecohlact with earth. (188)

Earth esploratlon-satelllte serrlce:    A

raliooommuh kation iervke bel w ecu Earth Italiom and one or morę lpace Italiom. »hich may ihclude linki belween ipaceItaliom, in »vhich:

♦    informalbn reLatinj tothe characleriitici oflhe Earth and iti natural p>hehomehd ii obtained from active lemon or pauive lemon on Earth latelliki;

♦    limilar Information ii collecled from airborre or Earth-baied p>latformi;

*    luch ihformation may be diitribukd b Earth Italiom v»ithih the lyilem concemed:

*    p>latform inlerrojation may be included.

Th ii iervioe ma> alio include feeder linki heoeuary for iti operalbn. [NTTA] [RR]

earth jrotind: Szc jround.

Earth statlon: A itation localedeither on the Earth1! lurface or wilhin the major portbn of the Earth "i atmoiphere and intended for oommuhicatbn:

♦ ith one or morę lpaoe Italiom; or

* »ith one or morę itolbm of ihe lamę kihd by meahi ofone or morę reflectinj iatellitei orolher objecti ih i pace. [NTTA] [RR]

Earth terminal: Th a idlellite link. ohe of the hoh-orbilinj commuhicatiohi itatiohi that reoeivei. proceiiei. and tram mit*, i&nali betweeh itielf ahd a iatellile. (188) Notz. Earth lermihali may beat mobik. fixed. airborhe, ahd waterborhe Earth ter mi hal oomplexei. Synonyn sateTlIte Earth terminal

Earth terminal comples:    Th iatellile

oom muhbatbh 1iyilemi. the dilembly ofequipmsnl ahd facililie i raoenary to ihkjraleah Earth terminal ihloa comm uh kaliom nelwork. (188) Afote.The Earth terminal oompkx ihdudei the Earth terminal and iti lupporl equipmenl and any required ihlercohhect facilitiei andlheir lupport equipmeht Tl dcei not include facilitiei atthe lite that are not hcoeuary b embliih ahd intejrate the iatellile linki rtith the helwork.

Ed S: A bbrz ytalton for errtend ed area sernice.

EBCDIC: Acronym for estended blnary coded dęci mai tnterchanje codę. A n 8-bit alphanumeric oodedcharacleriet.

E-bend: A imoolh chanje in the directbh oflhe axii of a wave£uide. throujhout v»hkhlheaxii remaim in a piane para Hel tothe direction ofelectrb E-field (lramvene) polari/atbn. (188) Synonym E-plane bend.

E^N*:    djnal-to-no1se ratło per bit.

EBS:    AbbrznaJton for Emerjency Broadcast


EC: Abbrzna/ion for Earth COTeraje.

ECCM:    Abbrzvia}&n. for ekctronlc cotinter-

coti nt er measur €ń.

echo:    I. A wdve that hai been refkcted by a

dilCOhtihuity ih the pfOpajdtbh medium. 2, A svave that hai been refkcted or other^iie returned »ith lulTiciehi majhitude and delay to be perceived. (188) A<o)z ł. Echoei are fre^uently meaiured in dB relalive to the direclly trammitled v»ave. Not z 2.



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