Jabber:    Th local dred nelworki.

1/dhimillioh by d ddla lldlbti beyond Ihe limę intervdl dllos*cd by Ihe prolocol.

Jacktt: Synonym sheatk.

Jammlng margln:    The kvel of interferencje

(jdmming) thdt d lyitem ii dble lo docepl and ilill mdintdin d ipecified level of performance. iuch di mdintdin d ipecified bil-error utbeven lhough ihe iigndl-t> noi le rdlio i i dec red ii ng. [From Wei k ' 89]

Jammlng to sfcnal ratlo fJ/S): The rdtio. uiudlly ex prei ied i ndB. ofthe po^er of d jdm mi r\g ligndl lo 1hdt of d deiired ligwl dtd given poihl mch di Ihe dhiennd terminali ofd reoeiver.

Jamslgnah A lighdl thdlcdrrkid bilpdttern lenlby dddld itation lo i h form iheolher iidliom ihdl they mml holirdtiimil. Noiz ł. Tncdrrier-ieme mullipk <»ceii v»ith oolliiioh dekction (CSMA/CD) WlwOrk 1.thejdm lighdl ihdicdlei Ihdldcollilioh hdl oocurred. Non 2. Th cdrrier-iehie mulliple dooen »ilh oolliibn dvo«4dhce (CSMA/CA) nelworki, the Jam lighdl ihdicdlei thdl ihe iehdihg lldlbh ihfchdl b Udhimil. Non 3. "Jam stgnal" lhouki hol be OOhfuied v*ilh "zlsclroruc jammtng. "

Jerklneis: Th d video diipldy, tte perceplion. by human vilioh fdCulliei. of origihdlly COhlihuOul molioh di d iequence of diilind *ihdpiholi.'' Not z ł. The perceplion of cohlinuoui molioh by humdh viibn fdCulliei ii d manifeildlbn of oomple* fuhcliohi, t.z., chdrdcteriilbi.oflheeyei dhd brdih. Wheh preiented <*ilh d ioquence of fi*ed. t.z.. itill. imdiei of lufficiehl OOhlihuily dhd dld iufficiehlly fre^uthl upddte rdle. Ihe brdih ihterpoLatei intermedidte imdgei. dhd ihe obierver iubjeclively dppedn lo lee oontihucui molioh ihdl ih redliły dcei holeiciil Notz2. R>r e*dm ple. the upddte ule of NTSC leleviiioh diipldyi ii 30 fumei (ćO fieldi) per lecohd.

Jltter: Abrupl dhd uhv>dhled vdridliohi of one or morę lighdl chdrdcleriiliei. luch di Ihe inlervdl between iuoceuive puliei, Ihe dmplilude of iuoosuive cycki, or ihe frequency or phdie of iuoceuive c>clei. (188) Notz /. Jitier muli be ipecified ihqudlitdlive termiteg. dmplilude. phdie.

pulie v»idlh or pulie pOlilbh) dhd ih qudhlildlive term i (eg. dveu&>. RMS, or pedk-lc--pedk). Nctz 2. The lov»-frequency culoff for jiller ii uiudlly ipecifteddl I H/. ConJrast wilk drlft, Wiltdcr.

job: T h oomputihg. d uh ii Of wor k Ihdl il defi hed by d uier dhd Ihdl ii lo be dcoompliihed by d com^uler. Not z. A job il idehlified by d Idbel dhd uiudlly ihcludei d lei of Computer progu im. fi lei. dhd oohlrol ildtemettli t> ihe oomputer opeuling lyilem.

Job-recovery control file: Synonym backup file.

Johnson nolse: Synonym tbermal nolse.

Joint: Foroplicdl fiben.d iplbe or oohheclor.

Joint niittlchannel trunklngand swltchlng system: ThdlCOmpOlile muhbhdhhel Uuhkihgdhd U*ifchih£ lyilem formed from dueli of Ihe Servbei, ihe De fenie Commuhicdtbhi Syilem. olher dvdiL)bk iyilemi. dhd/ordiieli oohlrolled by the JoinlChiefi of Sldff lo provide dh operdliohdlly reipohiiye. iurvivdble commuhkdlioh lyilem, prefeubly ih d mobik/1xdhiportdbk/recoverdble oonfiguulbh. for Ihejoinl force oommdhder ihdh dredofoperdliohi. [JPI]

Joint Spectrum Center fJSQ: A DOD oehter ihdl oohioliddtei Ihe for mer Electromighelic Compdtibilily Ahdlyiii Cehler (ECAC) dhd fuhcliohi of the military I>£pdrlmehl Spectrum oenten.

Joint Tactlcal Information tdstrlbutlon System fJTIDS): Ah ddvdhoed ihformślbh di itr i bulion lyilem ihdl provdei iecure ihteguted oommuhicdlioh, mvigdlion. dhd idenlificdlioh (TCNT) Cdpdbilily for dpplicdlioh lo milildty IdCtbdl operdliohi.

Jotnt Telecommunlcatlons Resources Board fJTRB): The body re^uired to be eitebliihed by Seclion 2(b) (3) of Execulive Order No. I2d72 lo di ii il the Direcbr of ihe Offioe of Science dnd Technology Pblicy ih the exerciie of dl lig hed hoimdrtirne emergency leleoommuhicdlioni fuhCtiohl.

Journal: I. A c h roncłogbdl record of ddld prooei i ing operdliohi thdl mdy te uiedlo reccoilrucld prevbui


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