Thii indexoohiiiliofgroupingi of relaled principol ferm nameiof lermidefihed ih ihii gbuary. Thegroupingiarearrangedby lechhological familieilo provide ihe merli*opportunily tobrowie among relaled de fi nil ioni. For breyiiy. where numerom alphabetically eoniecutive lerm namsiof defmedlermi begin with ihe lamę word, only ihe finldefmed lerm name ii included ih thii inde*. For e.*am ple. eighldefmed lermi begihning wilh Ihe word "facarmie" folio* Ihe enlry for facstrmlz ih ihe body oflhe gloiiary. Tn thii mihi inde*. only ihe finl. parenl. lerm ii liiled becauie ihe addilbnal enlriei are eaiily foundafter locating the parem ferm in ihe body of Ihe gloiiary.


automaled Information lyilem (ATS) automatic dala handling(ADH) automatic data proeeuing(ADP) automatic dala proceuing equipmeni (ADPE) bath proceuing clearing fetch profeclion FTP eq uipmenl hardware Information ihformalion lyilem machine-inde pende ht managertfenl informatioh lyifem (MTS)

mah-ma;hine lyifem Online Computer lyilem pa rai lei proce i ling penelration reoovery preoedure remote acoendala procening rerrcle bafeh enlry remote bafeh procening re mole job entry (RJE) re mole ope ralion i le rv ice ele rrfe ni (ROSĘ) protocol lecurity filier lecurity kernel itandby

lyifem alminiitration lyifem analylil lyifem documentation lyifem infegration lyifem infegrily lyifem managemenl lyifemi deiign lechnical yulnerability truiledcompulihg baie (TCB) truifedComputer lyilem(TCS) uier

yalidatiOh work ilalion

Anie nn as: accepfenoe paltem ahtenha

aperiodic anlenna aperture

aperture illuminalbn aperlure-lo-medium ooupling lou beam

beamdiameter beamdisergence team ifeering beamwidth bioonical anlenna bil Itcard anten na fcoreiighl

Caiiegrain anlehna oollinear anfenna array corner reffector oounterpoiie departure angle deipun anlenna diple^c ope ralion dipofe anfenna directcnalahtenna directray

effectiveanienhagain conbur Cof a ilee rabie lalellite beam) ef fecti ve borę i (ghl area (of a ilee rabie lalellite beam) effeclive height

effective iiotropically radialed powerfe.i.r.p.)

effective rrcnopole radialed power (e m r p.) (i n a gi ven direction) effective radialed po*er(e.r.p.)(in a given direction) fan-team anlenna far-Held radiation paltem far-Held region feed

Freinel /one front-lo-back ratio ground piane helical anlenna heterodyne repeater horn

hybridcoupter image anfenna iniermediale-field region iiotropic anfenna bbe

bg-periodic (LP) anlenna bop

main lobe mullicoupler

mulli-elemenldipole anlenna nalural frequency hear-fieW regbn nuli

omnidireclbnal anlenna orthomode iramduoer parabole anlenna paraiilic element periodic anlenna periicope anlenna phaied ar ray pLanar array propagalbn modę

Appendw B. page I


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