guadrature phase-ihift ke>ih£
QA: AbbrzvtaJian far guallty
QAftt: AbbrzaJ.cn-ifar g uadr atu re amplitudę modulatlon.
QC: AbbrzvtaJx?nfarq\&]\Xy COUtroi
QOS: A bbrz vmł tonfar guallty of serrkre.
QPSK: Abbrzvtałxm far guadrature phase-shlft
Ouad: A ^roupof four w i rei oompoied of two pa i u teiiled loðer. Afoiz. The pairi havea fairly lon£ len^th of twiil ahd the quad a fairl> ihorl len^lh of twiil C123)
guadded cable: A cable formedof mullipJei ofguadi. pairedand ie paralel* iniulaled, and oontained uh der a common jackel. (188)
guadratlc profile: Synanym parabollc proflle.
guadrature: I. The ilale of beih£ leparated in phaie b* 90" (ii/2 raiiam). 2, Pertaining to tte phaie re lalom hip between u*o periodic quanlitiei var*ih£ »i1h the lamę per od. ihal li. wilh ihe iairo frequehc* or repelitton rale, »kn Ihe phaie differenoe between them ii one-quarler of iheir period. (188)
guadrature amplitudę modulatlon (QAM): Quadrature modulalion in which the ls*ocarrien are amplitudę modulated. (188)
guadrature modubtlon: Modulation uiih£ iwo
carrien out of phaie b> 90° and modulated b> ie para te li&nali. (188)
guadrature plias*-shlft keyluj (QPSK): Phaie-ihift ke>ir\g. in w>hich four different phaie an^lei are uied. (188) Notz. T n QPSK. the four a nglei are ut ual I* out of phaie b* 90°. Synanyms guadrlphase. guaternaryphase-sWft keylnfc.
guadrlpkaae: Synanym guadrature phase-shlft
guadruple dlTersIty: Th rado commuhicalbh.
di ve ri it> tram mi u on and receplion ih ».> h ich four ihdependehtl; fadih£ ii&nali are uied. Awi. Qu3irupledivenity maj beaooompliihedlhrou&h the uie of ipaoe. frequero>. ah&le. time. or polar Lratioh mułlipkxih£. or combimtiohi of the ie. (188)
guadruplyclad ffber: A iih^le-modeoptoal fiberlhal hai four claddih&i. Natz /. Łach claddin& hai a refraclive inde* lower tkań thalof the oore. W Uh reipecl to ohe another. their relative refractive ihdoei are. ih order ofdiitahoe frcm the oore. Ioweil. hi^heit. lo»er. hi^her. Na>z 2. A guadrupl* olad fi ber hai the <xivahla£e of ver* Iow macrobendih£ loiiei. Italio hai iwo /ero-diipenbh poihti, and moderalel* Iow dilpenion overa wider waveleh&lh ran&e lhan a lin&l* cład fiber or a doubly clad fitor. Szz Jlusłmkoa undzr refractlye tndes profile.
guallty assur ance (Q A): I. A11 actiohi take h to eh i ure that itotriardi and procedurei are adhered loard that delivered producli or iervicei meel performance requirerrohti. (188) 2. The planned ijilemalic
activitiei neceuar* to eniure that a compoheM. module. or i* ile m oon form i to e ita bl ii hed lec h n dal r«|uiremehli. 3. The polic*. prcoedurei, and i>itematd <otiom eitabliihed ih an enterpriie for the purpoie of providih£ and maintainin^ a ipecified