NA: AbbrzvtaJiO/\ for numer kał
ap er turę.
na1led-Up drcult: DzęrccaJzcL fzrm.
Sec dedlcated Circuit, permanent ▼Irtual drcult,
MAK: Aetonymfornefcaifre-acknowledfce character.
NAK attack: Tu oommunicalioni lecurity lyitemi. a lecurily penelralbn technique Ihat makei uieof the he&ali ve-ac knov» led&e tra hi m iu bh-control c Karacie r ahd Capitali/ei on a potential weakneu in a lyilem ihal hahdlei aiynchronoui trammiiiion inlerruplion in lucha manner thatthe lyitem ii inan unprolected itale a&aihil unaulhori/ed acoeu durih£ certain periodu [FromWeik *»]
narratWe trafflc: Traffic oomiiting of plain or
encrypted meua&ei written ih a natural lan^ua&e ahd tranimitted ih accordanoe with itahdard formaliahd procedurei.Cl82)/Ve»tó. Exampleiof narralive iraffic include Ca) meu^gei thatare placed on paper lape ahd tranimiltel via a lelelypev*riter CTTV). ahd on receplion. are oonveried back to a printed pa^e on anolher te telypcwriter or teleprinter andcb) meua&ei printed oh a iheel of paper. tranimitled via oplbal character reoo&hition (OCR) equipmenl. ahd on receptioh. oonverted back io a printed pa&e oh a printer.
narrowband modem: A modem whoie mcdulated oulpcl li^nal Kai ah euehlial frequenc> ipectrum ihal il limiled lO thal w h ich cah be wholly COhlaihed withih. ahd failhfully trahimitled throu&h, a voice chan hel »ith a nominał d-kH/ fcahdwidth. Cl 22) Motz. Hi$h frepuency CHF) rrodemi are limited to operalbn ove r a vobe c han nel » ilh a nom i hal 3- kH/ bandwkllh.
narrowband radio vo1ce fmjuency (NB RYT): Tn narrowbahd radio, the hominal 3-kH/ bandwidlh albcaled for lin^le chan hel rado that providei a tranimiubn path for ahalo&ahdquaii-ahalo£ i gnali. Cl 88)
narrowband sljnal: Ahy analog lignal or analog repreientation of a di^ital li^nal whoie euehlial ipectral conteht ii limiled to Utai whbh can be contained withih a voice chan nel of nominał d-kH/ bandwidlh. Cl88) Noto. Narrowband rado uiei a voioe chan hel wilh a hom i hal 3-kH/ bandwidlh.
A-ary codę: A ccde thal Kai n lignificant oohditiom. where n ii a poiitive integer &realer Ihan I. Cl 88) Noto /.The integer lubilituled for a indicalei the ipecific number of li^nifbanl conditiom, t.o.. quarrti/atioh ilatei. in the oode. For e*ample, an 8-ary ccde hai ei&hl lighificanl conditiom and can cohve> three bili per codę lymbol. Noto 2. A prefi* thal indicalei an inle^er. *bi.M ‘‘tern.'’ or *qualer.'’ may be uied in lieuof a humerał, te. prcduoe "binary'* *ler nar*.'* ot *quaterhary''C2. 3. ahdd ilatei reipeclively).
/t-ary slgnalln^: Soo A-ary codę.
NA TA: Abbrovtation for NortH American
T elecommunlcatlons Aasoclatlon.
National Command Autborltlea fNCA): The
P re i idehl and the Secretar> of Ete fen le or thei r dul> deputi/ed alternatei or iuoceuori. [JPI]
National Communications System (NCS): L The or^ani/ationeilabliihed b> Sectioh lCa)ofEj<eculive Order No. 12d72 te. auiit the Prei ident, the National Security Council, the Direclor of the Offioe of Sciehoe ahd Tech rolowy Policy, and the Direclor of the Offioe of Mana^eittehl and Bid,e.et. ih the diichar^e of their national lecurity emer^enc> preparedneu lelecommunicatom furolbm. The NCS eon liiti of both the lekoommuhicatbhi aueti of the entitiei repreiehtedon the NCS Committee of Prihcipali ahd an adminiilrative itrudure oomiitih^ of the EAeculive A&enl. the NCS Committee of Prihcipali, and the Mana&er. 2. The lekoommuhicatbhi i>item that reiuhi from the lec hh bal and operational inle&ration of the leparate leleoommuhbaliohi i^itemi of Ihe ieveral e>ceculi\e branchdepirtmenlianda^shciei havinc.a li^hifbant lelecommuhicaliohi capabilil*. [JPI]
National Coordlnatlł^ Center (NCQ for Tele-communlcatlons: The joint lekoommunicatiom
i nduilr>/Federa I Gover nment cpe ratbh eilabl ii hed b> the National Commuhbatiom S>ilem to auiit in the i h ilialbh. ocordihatioh, re itoralioh. a ni reccn llilutjoh of National Security or Eirter^ency Preparedneu CNS/EP) teleoommuhicatiohi iervbei or facilitiei.