
wafle r. A thin ilice of lemicctiduCtihg materiał, i uch dl a lilcon    Ctyltal, upOh which

microcircuili are conitricled b> diffuiion and depoiilion of vd riou', materiali.    Ncve.    Mi Iliom of

indiyklualcirCuitelementl.COnitituling huhdredl of microcircuili, ma> be conitructed Oh a lingle wafer. The indiydual microcircuili are leparatedby ICOrihg and break i ng the waferinb indiyidual chipi (“dioe'1).

WAIS:    Acronym for Wlde Area Information

Seryers. A di itr ibuted le*l learc hi ng lyilem thal uiei the protocol itandard ANS Z39.50to learch index databaiei on remole eompuleri. Not* ł. WAIS librariei are moiloften found on the Internet. A<ott 2. W ATS a Iłowi uien lo diiooyer ahd aoceu informalion reiouroei on the nelwork wilhout regard to their phyiical localbn. Nok. 3. WATS loflware uiei the dienl-ieryer rrodel.

WAM: Acronymfor w1de area network.

wander: Relalive lojilterand lwim, long-lerm random var liliom ofthe lignificanl ihitanti of a djgital lignal from their ideał foiilbm. Not z f. Wa lider yarialbm are thoie thatoccur over a period greater than I i (ieoc>h<$. Notz 2. Jitler, iwiin, wander. anddrifl have increaiihg pericdi of yariation in that order.

warm boot: Synonym warm restart {def, *2).

warm restart: L A iequence of operalbm that ii performed to reiet a previouil> running iyiłem, afler an uninlentional i h utdow n. Synonym warm start 2. Tn Computer operatom, the reilarting of eęuipment, afler a iudden ihutlown, that allowi reuie of preyiouilj retained i nitki li.* ed inpul data, retained próg rami, and retained output queuei. Afc^e ł. A warm reilart ma> be needed after a program failure. Notz2. A warm itartor reitartcannotoccur if initial data. programi, and fi lei are not retained afler doiedown. Syncnyms Hot boot warm booL [From We ile '89]

warm start: Synonym warm restart (def. Vl).

Warner esemptlon: A itatulor* exemplbn pertaining lolheaoquiiition of tetecommunicalbni ijilemi that meel the excluiionar> crileria of the Warher Amendmenl, Public Lłw 97-86, I tteeember 1981, which ii alvo knowh ai the Brooki Bill. (188) Nou. Uie of FTS2CC0 b^ U.S. Goyernmenl age nciei ii mandatom when leteoommunicatbni are required. However, the Warner Airendirenl excludei the mandatom uie of FTS2CC0 in initancei relaled to mabmum lecuril*.

WATS: Acronym for Wlde Area TelepHone Seryloe

w*vee<juat1on: Scc Marweirs e<piatlons.

wayeform: The repreientatbn of a ijgnal ai a pbl of amplituie veriui tiine.

wayefront: The lurfacedefined b> the locuiof poinli that haye the lamę phaie, ii, haye the lamę palh length from the iource. [Alter 2196] Noiz /. The wayefront ii perpendicular to the ra> that repreienli an elect/omagnetic waye. Not*. 2. The piąte in


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