-    Do yo« like travelling?

Yes, I like travelling because 1 can sigłitsee many outstanding places with different and even strange cultures. 1 like making friends with foreigners.

-    Where wonld you like to go on holiday?

I wonld like to go to the moim tai ns because I like spending my free time actively.

-    When do you usually go out?

I usually go out to a cinema or theatre with my sister. Sometimes I go to a disco.

-    What time do the English have dinner?

The English have dinner at 6p.m

-    What is traditional English drink?

A traditional English drink is tee.

5. Uzupełnij zdania jednym słowem. Uwaga- skrócone formy., (i tu ucięło zdjęcie ;/.....

jeden wyraz np. can’t

-Turn ... King’s Road and gostraight on.

-    He usually go to work by bus.

-    I’d like ... to go the theatre this evening.

-    Do you read the newspaper every day? No, l don't (read the newspaper every day).

-    Is there a sofa in your bedroom? Yes, there is.

I. Odpowiedz na pytania:

-    Where do like going on holiday?

I like spending my holiday at the seaside.

-    What would like to do in the evening?

I would like to finish all my homework and tłien I d like to have a nap and relax.

-    What time do the English have lunch?

The English have their lunch from 12a.m to lp.m

-    What do you usually have for breakfast?

I usually have some milk, fruit, bread with butter and cheese.

-    What is a traditional English breakfast?

A traditional English breakfast is veiy stodgy and most meals are friecL It consists mostly of eggs, bacon, sausages.


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