Capital for investment which may easily be lost in risky projects, but can also provide high returns VENTURE CAPITAL

business where two or morę people share the risks and profits equally PARTNERSHIP

fund which receives contributions from employers and employees, being the money which provides money for retired members of staff PENSION FUND group of loans, mortgages, iiwestments, etc., all belonging to the same individual or company PORTFOLIO

a part at the end of a book containing additional information APPENDIX companies which are trying to compete with your product COMPETITION sth that makes a company morę able to succeed in competing with others COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE

a description of a typical customer likely to be interested in a particular product CUSTOMER PROFILE

a summary of the most important points of a business plan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

analysis of the financial State of a company ora person FINANCIAL ANALYSIS point at which sales cover costs, but do not show a profit BREAK-EVEN POINT total income received by a company before any expenses are paid REVENUE sales businesses expect to achieve in a particular period of tiine SALES FORECAST

investor's plan for getting their investment back and potentially realizing a profit EXIT STRATEGY

person who establishes a company FOUNDER

company that starts to sell goods or services in a market where they haven't sold them before ENTRANT


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