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; lias been one of tlie most influential writets in the last centuiy. One of the tłiings tliat seems to inspire Ferlinghetti is political issues and religion. Feriinghetti also had some rough times in liis life. This may be the cause of some of his FeriinghettTs unique views on hnmanity and naturę.
■ Publisher, established a printing house and a book shop city liglit in San Francisco
■ Also represents tlie beat movement
ALLEN G1NSBERG (1926-97) a US poet of tlie beat generation of tlie 1950s who was also closely
aassociated witli tlie liippies of the 1960s. He supported illegal drugs and tlie rights of homosexuals, and protested against tlie Vieuiam War. Ginsberg’s collections of poems included Howl (1956) which criticized American values, and Kaddish and Otlier Poems (1961).
■ Rebelhous. represents the beat generation - 1* counterculture movement, appeared in 1950s. a group of young people in the 1950s and early 1960s, especially writers and artists, wlio rejected the social values of tlieir time. They tried to find a different style of living. becoming intetested in eastem religions and new forms of writing. The movement began in the US and included such writers as Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg; The liippies just carried on where tlie beat generation left off.
■ Had communist sympadiy and had psychological problems ■ A homosexual ■ Was expelled from university
San Francisco and New York - places where beat movement concentrated - his poem - is like a chronicie.
Free verse - run on the linę (continuous linę)
Life of anaphoric constructions
Lg - common (Ginsberg - Ig tliat borders witli slogan)
Concem witli a personal experience vs. collective experience
Rejection of all taboos:
Whitman wrote about erotic experiences
botli homosexuals
Ginsberg wrote about copulation witli a bonie of beer
Present themselves as spokesmen