Roughing it - 2"' important autobiographical work; it tells about his and his brothers irip to American West.
■ Innocence Abroad - reportage from the trip to Europę. He went to Europę together with the bunch of tourists, his task was to report. Sliows confrontation between Americans and Europeans. A special kind of lg - used commoo regional speech; lg reflects speech; incorporates various narrańve forms.
The Adventures of Huckleherry Finn
■ Major work of American Realism; conventional elements are present:
Language - common lg. understandable to audience; combines a variety of different dialects - Southern and S-W; regional Ig - enhances realistic quality of situations
Setting - place - preoccupation with space, not only geographical existence but also presentation of the communities. The most often environment - the smali towns
There are a number of chapters when tlie characters have the opporninity to go to nearby houses. Construction allows to porlrait varions kinds of individual people and communities; King and Duke prepare performance - the whole community is easily tricked by 2 common men
The presentation of representative of human types - families, whole town communities - Duke. King. judge.
A concera with social problems - slavery - a legacy of racial prejudice. In a sense Hucj Finn leams to thlnk outside categories; modification serves as a critiqne).
■ Lies at the origin of genre which is primarily cinematic tradition in the 20,h c.
■ Ali characters, individuals have the roots in H. F.
■ Symbolic structure derives from tlie opposition - river vs. land:
ńver - stands for freedom but also innocence, honesty, equality; a symbol of freedom, shapes Finn’s character and determines his behaviour; forces him to come up with constant new ideas; a space of freedom where notliing poses a threat to liim and Jim
land - stands for corruption; all sorts of prejudices determine relations; family feud -for no apparent mason - because it’s on tlie land; Duke and King have very li mi ted possibilities in the raft, only on land they can play tricks.