pleases his fancy. In addition, Mephostophilis gives him books of spells, astrology and naturę, much to Faustus’s pleasure.

Act 2, scene 1: Faustus complains to Mephostophilis that he has been deceived into selling his soul when he could have enjoyed the wonders of heaven. He then decides to renounce the dark arts. Again, the good and evil angels enter. The good angel assures him tfiat if he repents now, God will still accept him. whereas the evil angel tells him that it is impossible for him to repent—it is too late. Faustus despairs and does not atone for his sins under the mistaken assumption that he is too evil for God and heaven.

He and Mephostophilis then engage in a conversation ab out the celestial planets. He tries to coerce Mephostophilis into saying God's name, but the devil angrily refuses, for it is forbidden amony the devils to do so. The good and e\/il angels reenter, respectively urging Faustus to save and surrender his soul. Lucifer and IBeelzebub arrive from heli and command Faustus to never think on God again. He agrees to bum the scriptures and publicly blaspheme Christ. Then, to amuse Faustus. Lucifer and Beelzebub show him the seven deadly sins in person. Faustus is entertained by the display and wishes to visit hełl with Ludfer and then come back. Lucifer agrees to take Faustus with him at midnight and departs.

Act 2, scene 2: The clown enters the horses' stables with one of Faustus's books and promises the stableboy Dick to conjure up some spirits when he retums. Once the down leaves, another hired hand named Robin engages in conversation with Dick. Robin has stden one of Faustus’s incantation books and urges Dick to come with him and stir up some mischief with iL

Act 3, scene 1: The chorus introduces the scene and explains to the audience what Faustus has been doing with his time. He has traveled through all the heavens on the backs of dragons and explored aJI corners of the earth. Now, Faustus is in Romę to observe the Pope and hdy Peter's feast.

Act 3, scene 2: Mephostophilis has transported Faustus to Romę and laken him into the private diambers of the Pope. Faustus, who is well traveled by this time, seeks some amusement in his new destination. He wants to embarrass the proud Pope and “make his monks and abbots stand like apes." (Act 3, scene 2, linę 83) Mephostophilis and Faustus drug the Pope’s ministers with a sleeping potion so that tfiey can safely assume their forms and talk with the Pope. Faustus wants to convince the Pope, in the form of his ministers, to condemn a man named Bruno (who wanted to ascend to the papacy).

Act 3, scene 3: Faustus and Mephostophilis release Bruno and send him back to Germany during the dead of the night, much to the Pope and his newly awoken ministers' constemation and confusion in the moming. Mephostophilis grants Faustus a cloak of invisibility and he plays tricks on the Pope during holy Peter’s feast. The Pope and his ministers curse Faustus to the high heavens for his devilry, but the magidan retums home safely. His friends ask him about his travels and are amazed by his wit and knowledge. The choms explains that Faustus is famous tfiroughout the land and even the Emperor Carolus tłie Fifth desired to meet the master magician.

Act 3, scene 4: Robin the stableboy is still in possession of Faustus‘s book and is planning some mischief with it. His friend Rafę, enticed by the idea of mortal pleasures, agrees to help Robin in conjuring spirits. They are accosted by the Vintner, v\4io urants a goblet from Robin, but is promptły refused the request. Robin tries to summon up devils to plague the Vintner, but Mephostophilis appears instead and is enraged to find someone other than Faustus with a book of magie. He turns Robin and Rafę into an ape and a dog, respectively. much to the N/intneFs horror.

Act 4, scene 1: Se\/eral of the officers at the Emperor's court plan for Faustus’s arrival. Martino and Frederick explain to the drowsy Benvdio that the Pope Bruno, (whom Faustus magically transported to Germany), will also be in attendance that night. Benvolio is not amazed at tales of Faustus’s skills in magie. He refuses to watch Faustus perform his tricks, despite Frederick and Martino’s warnings that this may anger him.


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