Admittance Formulation
While some Circuit theory problems are easily solved in terms of impedances, othcrs are
easily solvcd in terms of admittanccs. This diffcrcncc comcs about bccausc the rules for
combining impedances in series are simple, but for combining impedances in parallel are
complicated. The rules for combining admittanccs in parallel are simple, whereas the rules for combining them when they are in series are complicated. Whichever is the best
formlation to use depends very much upon whether there is a prcponderance of series or
parallel connections in the situation being analysed. It is therefore appropriate that as well as exploring the impedancc formlation as we have just done, we also in the present
section cxplore the corresponding admittance formulation for the solution of
linę problems.
We rcmark that in dcvcloping this formlation we are maintaining the assumption that the lines contain no loss.
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