are equinumerous.
One can always find a one-to-one linear function of the form
f(x) = d-c b-ax + cb-ad
b-a transfonning all points of (a, b) into points of (c, d).
Theorem: Open interval (a, b) is eąuinumerous with the closed
interval [a, b|.
Let's dcfine in (a, b) a seąuence an = a + b-a 2n . The one-to-one
correspondence is given by the formula: f(a) = al; f(b) = a2; f(an) = an+2;
f(x) = x for others x ^ [a, b| (x 6= a, b, an).
Theorem: The open interval (a, b) is eąuinumerous with R (the
set of all real numbers).
Every open interval (a, b) one can transform on the interval
2, _
2 ) and then, function f(x) = tan x (which is one-to-one in (-_
2, _
2 )) transforms the interval (-_
2 , _
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