aniend - to correct or make smali changes to something that is written or spoken - zrobić poprawkę
amendment - smali change, improvement
announcement - an important or official statement - komunikat, ogłoszenie appellate court - sąd apelacyjny
applicant a person who asks to have sdi, especially a job
apply - to apply for a job, means to ask if you can have the job
appraisal type of assessment of someone’s performance, especially at work
apprehensive - worried or nervous about sometliing that you are going to do, or about the
futurę - pełen obaw
apprentice - someone who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn a particular skill or job - praktykant
apprenticeship - the period of time spent learning how to do your job correctly, a training period - nauka rzemiosła
arrears - money owed but not paid yet (be in arrears - to be late in paying sometliing that should be paid regularly, money owned but not paid yet) assault - try to attack, make smb afraid - napaść
assets - tliings that a person or company owns. - aktywa (asset - mienie) assign - to transfer - przenieść na kogość assignee - cesjonariusz, pełnomocnik, syndyk assist - to help
assumc the obligations to undertake liability - przyjmować zobowiązania as seen - jak widać
attest - to sign a document as evidence that the signature is real - poświadczyć, uwierzytelnić attributable - likely to have been caused by something - związany z czymś authorization - official permission to do sometliing, or the document giving tliis permission - upoważnienie award - przyznać