Flower Motif to Appliąue

Thls flower motif mtulrcs a bu of pallonce lo make. bul that is woli worth U when the flower In flnlshcd The *i/r of Ihe tiiread or yarn usrd delcmtlncs Ihc slzc of the motif. A llnc roi ton threail will ylcld a dcli-c ale Irim for rollars or pockris. heavtcr yams produce Irims for tablccloths of curtalns.

IWIlh yellow. ch 3. Work 9 sc In Ihlrd ch from hook. Joln with sl sl lo flrst sc lo fonu flower ccnicr. Pasień off. Row 1 Allach orange lo flrst sc: ch -i (counis as flrst lr|. wx»rk (Ir In same sc. 2 Ir In nexi sc). rctainlng łasi loop of each: yo and draw through all loops on liook (flrst cluslcr madę). * ch 4. work 2 ir In each of nexi 2 sc. rctainlng łasi loop of cach: yo and draw through all loops on hook (anolher clustcrl •; rcpcat from * lo * lwice morę. Uisl sc Is unworked.

2Ch 5. lurn. Row 2 * Work (sc.

ch 3 and *1 st In Ihlrd cli from hook for picol. 2 morę plcots. sc) over ch-4 arrh between cluslcrs. ch

5. sc In lop of n«Xt cluHler *; rrpeat from * lo * lwice morę. Fimloi off.

4 Cul long turami of grecn lo usc as ba sc of Iwo side lcavcs. Anchor strand and altach yarn from bali 10 center sl st of 5-s! si group on leaves. ch I and draw up loop from under extra strand and work sc. cnelosiiut strand.

3Wlth grecn. ch 34. Row 1: Sl st m sccond cli from hook. working I sllich In each remalning ch acrovs. work sc. IkIo. 2 dc. 5 Ir. 2 dc. lido. sc. 5 sl sl. sc. lnic. 2 dc. 5 Ir. 2 dc. hdo. sc. sl st. Pasień off.

5Contlnue work Ing mer sirand. working 5 sc. hd<*. 2 dc. 5 ir. 2 dc. hde. 15 sc. hdc. 2 <lc. fold leaf over (as shown). and work ir by insert Ing hook belwecn dc and «r 011 other seciion of leaf lo Joln.



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