IBase Coat
A iluk htckgrotmd is he>t tor s:t-ring ołY fkwm a rui foliuge.
Muc .1 lotuicd Itrułh luli t< Sptout Grunt paint into n poiik Cł Wick to srecen the coloc. Or. yon nuty ptelcr to usc a dccp ‘lwic ot’ lxown mocnJ. bi-tlicr way. (or Krst rcsulie. the to«« c.wt ihoukl to tŁtrk. Paint the cniire upper sur tace ot the rock. leasing mly -i miwII <rt.il on the mulcTśiJc tshete youll »agn and J.itc the pica when fini.hed. Al lew thw )uint to dry Które mosing on co the ncjcl step'
It will help to Jivkle vOtir rooks topi Mirl.icc mio ipuirrcrs; usc stoik or anhirccharcool pcncil todniwpcrpen-Jtcular linę* nuuking the q».irrcnc I11J1-vs.ki.il priinrosc bkwotn* consUt of fivc hean-atopeJ pet.iU connecteJ by a snuli round center. Ustna chalk or whtte fh.1tc.1jl pcin. il. (it the tiwt bios-soiri, mcACMtinq (3.ckm) actoss
tuto the upper nght .|u.iJum ot yoor rock. Skctch two morę filii tloucrs in titc t»o adjacenc sociions in catying poswiOlW to totm an imgular trunglc. Por y.nicty mul a moro rculuiic look. luck p'. 111 i; tli v uvcilapped tliAccts ulong-xidc iw the three mam llower*. tlien .ptinklc thrcc ot (out morc Mix*oiib urounJ the upper pctimeten. iillouing *xtte io brush pernls wiih ethen. whilc othet< itnnd upali- Set nt.ie che lowcr third ot the rock fot (olinge.
Work jtoonJ the outssJe cJees next. ‘ketching iii simple, Kotki, ovul k-ave< w uh o perci citJs. AUet the .mgle and «:<■ <e the leavec as you tuck thcni m bclow yotir h!.vs«anss. Fili in my lergc fjv>ce> berween the blcwotm on top willi the tip> ol leave». ot pertoj* part of a le.it av showtt.
A .kej' btttC <©JĆ fe.'.».k-> -t dtaautic h*t UrefS.
l'mraw penis step by «tcp.