• You ca« usc rctfiihr chalk fur fkctching on >vur miiial design*, but whkc dnmul pcitciU make fincr lincs.
• Finc-point pcimancnt markers (soch as Sharpic) ure also 1 randy tor la^ouli as well as for signing .md dating your finuhcd pieces.
• Wood fillers. such a> f-in-Onc brand Plasuc Wood or l*ech ltc.il Wood, muy k uscd 10 correct .in uncvcn baw or to li II m .1 hole or crack.
• Głwr a etyk spray fmijh will en-tłch your colnr> and pcuicct (lic suińcc of yctir rocks.
• Pitccs intended for display on sciacchprono słirfecc* shoukl be fitied w uh a scrap of felt glueJ to rhe kurom to creute a buffcccd
Keep in mmd rbst it i> impOSSibl* to rum a rock. Since thi» painiing sur-tace i» tistr.illy Irce, therrs no need u> fcel intimiilitc.l. Plumje tifiht in ruvl expcruKcru, givingyomxcU pemiissćon to pl.iy and cxplore. Yon d»n’t need any arrutic rr.nmtn: to masicr this me' Jium—iust a willingncw to trv and the ability to fol Iow Jirections- If >vw ;>1-re;*Jy have your nwn tcchnu|ueS fot pumiing various flowier »ypc>. leci irce to Mibstitute (hem for my directions.
My hop*- i‘ thar rho kmk will <erve u* a siartir.s plac*. Once you fccęin to we the posfibilities. ihere 1* Itter-illy iv> end to the k-autilul things you c.m eteate.