Barometr Regionalny Tom 13 nr 3

Spis treści / Table of Contents

Joanna Rakowska

Exploratory Study on Absorption and Investment of European Union Structural Funds

2007-2013 by NUTS 2 Level Self-Governments in Poland.......................7

Anna Lewandowska, Elżbieta Inglot-Brzęk

European Integration of Ukrainę: the Perspective of Ukrainians and Poles..........17

Piotr Zawrotniak

The Cross-Border Transfer of Cultural Assets in the European Union..............25

Izabela Dąbrowska

Migration Flows form New Member States

and the Prospect of Britain’s Withdrawal from European Union.................33

Włodzimierz Karaszewski, Małgorzata Jaworek, Maria Kola-Bezka, Marcin Kuzel European Union Funds in the Financial Framework 2014-2020 in the Process of Building Competitive Capacity among the Communes of

the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship.....................................41

Andrzej Miszczuk

Directions of Development of Tourism in the Polish-Ukrainian Cross-Border Area in the New European Union Programming Period (2014-2020) in the Context of Regional Planning Documents..........................................49

Stanisław W. Ceran

Information Technologies for Development of Specific Regions of Poland in Assessment of the Analytic Hierarchy Process Method......................61

Tomasz Szul

Comparison of Methods in the Definition of Home Energy Characteristics in the Context of the European Union Directives.............................73

Adam Senetra, Monika Wasilewicz-Pszczółkowska, Elżbieta Grzelak-Kostulska The European Landscape Convention as a Tool for the Protection,

Management and Planning of Landscapes.................................81

Marcin Połom

European Union Funds as a Growth Stimulant of Electromobility on the Example of Electric Public Transport in Poland........................89

Adam Zydroń, Anna Zbierska, Piotr Szczepański

The Effect of Naturę Conservation Legał Instruments on Spatial Management inaCommune......................................................97

Mieczysław Kowerski, Małgorzata Wolańczyk, Mariusz Poninkiewicz A Proposition for a Methodology to Assess the Influence of European Union Funds on Living Conditions among Citizens of a Commune..........................105

Jarosław Bielak

Inflation, CPI, and Real Price Changes in Poland

(specifically in Lubelskie Voivodship) in the Years 2002-2014...................117


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