One cł ehe most oidtinj; aepect' of paiiuin.: ilnwrr* and planu on rudej ń rhut almoit Aftysiar, shnpeand fciod o( rock cmi be u>o.l: the Mnoocheat and NunJcit ot river-tuntbłcd rock*, the imur irregwlit of fiddtfone*. even ihose chustky rtwk\ often found at beuldiiu; sites >ind along country
Onoe you'vc irairwJ ynunelf (o pay .trtenctofl. \ou’ll Iwgin co ‘er wondet-ful rock» .1!! armmd you. Hat. .-Jule-type rocki may wiark Innie frocn ctod-inj laytis a i wic nuda hąve bccn cne mto hillóJc*. Rotindcd rocka linę tiwiksh and ocean hc.iche*, whilc chunky rocka and fieldicones can Iw fcund ahsiK many roAdiłdcś In a pinch, vo« can evcn l-rowac thriwigh a rock yard where Uiildcr* Sny thelr rocls by the ton. Most buntie**ec will Iw Itiirrr co <ell you a lew wvks fot;« pittatwe. On uujwh. rhcyce cvcti let me lakę the on es l'vc aclcctcd ar rx> charge.
Wcdlcss co say, finding fjood rocka co paint i' ciuy. \X‘ich all dw v:irinu« Colon and rypes of plant' and tl.-v.ver: n-e!«a.«e uom. dccldtnjj oh u to palni tirst may be the miwt dimcoh tw-k you face. Evcn psoject I ety Ivjvc> me with nrw apprcciatinn tor the divettily and eiesd huc» that ‘iirroond us in the n:«t-ural world. Porę owr tltosc panien i ng cataloga thac furt to:wrive in the mail in the midst ot winter. Aiuilyre the 'lu)vs and teatures tliat chawcterire JiUcrent piano and 'hnibc This will help you to ' isuiilirc kinda of rocki would work bese tor łpccitic Mib-jett*. Howets. soch n> ruwi and fun-llerom. can He painted as siiiydw błootus. Other*. soch as juioic* and petunia', look kst in clumps or masses. Tulip' and darTodih work well on tali. Uiirrow rocka, whilc h.wra< cali
lar gr, tlat fielihtono. Spf.iwlutg ca-ladumia :irc pert ret tor anguLir piecea,
Pw-kUiena, umaiły Mllly lin. uffer .IrimitK aarits tiul olicn mimie ln< płliM deętv
Chankt. KjMC-ilpwni..1 rocki mai le itir mu»t c.iownor. and cin 10 iital
Watci-tumhh-d nek» cór: «ivvxłn >*«■««> in a iurresirie oumk-r yf sh.«pct and u:o.