r iwn juii^Twnt aa • o aftar#
tt nr»y cound itraryo to 70U ''or ao to a/wiao thls, but v «sperle',oe svor Li;.'. *0t.rs 01* handling thousanda of oupila ha a tturht -.0 that tho bost ruido ir. thie
-,-c .5 YOttUSSŁF#
3vt rn TOU?. : .
"łth thia la a a on you will rocoi/o four ruicrun Bell mnlfffl* lt«a your foracr llat ot aotarolaaa wił ahock off oi/jht#
;-lt Will loawa YOU atrht, as! VIth tho addod four Rilerua Bell cxorcLs«
1> tor.nl rwclvo.
;’H-• /Y-Jut your eourao you will wlwiys uae bwlra esereioot*
Tou will be conatantly olLalnatir.c foraor esarciaaa Tor thoaa of a aoro currrasiTo - !er.
. i.Loh osoreiłoa to chaok off 1 will etelaln i* tka fedhodul* laeludad with > *o- . «r.oh lccaon I will aSviao you#
it ' >• iiPCRtAirr that rot* Er.£r tc rms scttjtr-s.
I an alao remlndinj; you irf this loacer co. to nor.lect your oyoi.
1 gtrirf y«u a *aw picrclic idoaa and ' -»rt you to pcaotifl* teoa łc tho cr :*r oaplalnod#
! aa alao rar-.lndinf you to tak* ear« of your tweth r. . of tho raluo 5 r lar your south sad throai elean#
fut your bock to tho whoal, fricr.d. JJttt t;;e 2-I-. ir.to lt aad too tho [iop you will jot out#
5y naw you will be noro aocYlnood thar. oTor that ny eottrae !a poroonal, and oso that la a TOStOOM body bwlldioę cowraa#
ir you liko lt, and feol that lt i; rlłlnc you tho roeulta, I woultł bu ;lewso<i \f you would rccoajor.i; lt to your friondn.
Alao aend «*• tocao of your photoa aad lot ao >00 wnat you loe1; llko.
It la a rood thin^ to koop a photorraphio roooni of your progroaa. !t ia hwlpffci ia rJCr.* wai/fc. * -*
Pcnocber, that ncw yoi hato atarted tho brpertar'. Art of tce cour-e that U - • to '"‘.Te ycu REAL auoolu, and a body with tho *ind of woll-ahapod noaclee :-r -u hara alwayt war.tod.
So lonr till noxt waok.
'•* —
. . • w.of aaoh BiUrm Du»; arith taa l3orror .or ' lc-e - \■
i«r eloae a^alnat • •• . atra tho ocal • los ir. wh* ! t - t
■ou -o*. •.*.rAr movr blbck alor.t- th: to’* wy Ut bloeż. ls Mtod, tAorea^M tho Icaeraf.e rosłatar.io, ~r ‘j .-lva-
lu;.*. ot a hoaolor tounda^o# ?.oad the occloaod Bcplaaatory Chart car Jtlllj :-‘•ro dotailod Icforwitłoa bocauoa it la inportant tc