flowers for the
Morę than any bridal accessory, your bridal bonquet will express
the beauty and joy you are feeling on your wedding day. hor years to come, the eolors and fragranees will remind you of your spścial day. Your bouquet is the first thing your gucsts will see as you walk down the aisle, and it will be captured for a lifetime in your wedding photos.
Il s wisy to sec liow imporlunt choosing tłu? right l>ouquct ean l>c;. Your flowers sliould complemont your personality and work in liarmony willi your wedding style, not overpower il. Ixmk al CNumpleŚof l>ouqiieis from mugnzińes, and attciid bridal shows to gatlier idcas.
Tliere aIX? śo many bouqu«!t styjos from whicli to ehoose—perimps you‘«l liko a snow-white Irailing l>onquet for a tniditional ccreinony. or a simplc ril>l>on-wrap(»cd I kuk piet for a moro casual affair. Once yon are set on a style, you must sclcct your flowers. Your Ilorisl will bo aide to suggest flowers tliat are in season. lillimately you want to wouve all the aspccts of your wedding—from dresses to l>ouquets to decóRilions— into a ccrcniiwy as ex<iuiśite iw you are on your wedding day.
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