In order to compictc your cards >ou will rcąoirc these additional items:
Sticky tape cot into wiali piece* to *eeure the end* of the thread*.
Clear drying gluc nr doublc-udcd sdhcsioc tape Jor finał »vscmbly,
A piece of foam. a fclt mat or a fokJcd towcl to proiect your «wk surfacc.
Strp One Protcct your work surfacc. Opcn up the card and with the right nde facing up. lay a design templatc on the middle tcetion
Step Two Holding tlvc templatc m place, take the large pin and pnek through each Jot in tum on the templatc making surę that the pm al«i goes through the card- Remose the templatc when the entire design ha* bcen completod.
Hint Ifyou with to ifren' your templaie to the card wi/h ttiefy tape. place the ropę on and off a cloth teter a! limes. Thit will taie off the excess sliclincss yel tlili altów U to adkere to the card witkout trening a mart To test fint ust the reterse of the right panel m thit will e«trdually Iw halekrt.
Step three Cut a length of thread about 2 feet long and thread the needle. (It is better to usc 'Cierni shotl threuds ralher thin one long piece a\ the holes of the card may start to wear away tbe fibment in the thread and causc it to fray. Ibe undcrsidc of your work will be hsskfcn so it docs not matter how- many limes yoa scal your threads.) Altach the thread to tbe back of the card. close to the Mailing point, with a sirnll piece of sticky tape, making surc that yoo do not covcr ovcr any holes.
Step Four Folluw instructions for cach emhnódcrcd design, sccuring cach length of thread with a smali piece of sticky upe.
To cłarify: •‘Outw..." means bnng the needle from the backof tbe work through to the front.
"In at...” means take the needle fiom tbe right side of tbe work through to the back
Step Fiie When a design is coenpleted loki under the right hand ssde of the card and gloc in place around the edge
Your project is now complete. If at any time yoo nced advice or help oo this Form-A-Linc* prpjcct plew do nol hesitate to ctrotoct us.
1.2 3 4 _
Back stitch
Back stitch works as follows:
Out al 2 in at I Out at J in at 2 Out at 4 in al 3
Front stitch
Front stitch works as follows:
Out at 1 in at 3
Out at 2 in at 4 l^ypy.' Out at 3 in at $ '
Wcbste: F.-mail: info£,
< fcitWe ThepsKtaMfcC F«ns A Ltse* kitsoausetbna wprcduiesud* tapmoul nscer
Ser ule as kog >s Ust carOs vc se»ab> hjal No reproduttAa iiibt Ktusl pjiimi icsuihikasee[skhnj panemt is lUowet wrinc* penaioai tioa OrJ iŁSfsniwa. AS <*ds iuJe fot ttuU i&cuU
Iwse ikWUsirj cteAt Kmnhett oo die e*n! -Oe*ig» Mpyhgte Css! tmpuukei"
Card Inspirations, The Ołd Dairy, Tewin Htll Farm Tewin, Welwyn, Herts AL6 OLI Tel: 01438 717000
Picture* are madc by scwing with mctallic thread onto card This kit contains six blank cards. *ix emelopes, three design*, thread. beads. pricking pin. scwing needle .md instructions. _______
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