In order to eompJctc )wn cards >v*i will rcquirc thcsc additional items:
Sticfcy tnpe cul imo wiali pteces to sooire the end* of the thread*
Clcar drwiny yluc oe doublc-sidcd ajhcsivc tapc for firul asscmbly,
A piece of foam. a fclt mat or a foldcd towel to protcct your woik surface.
Step One Protect >«or work surface. Open up the card and with the light nile facing up. lay a design tetnplaic on the niiddlc scetion
Step Two Holding tlte tcmplatc m place, take the largo pin and pnek through each do< in tum on the tcmplatc makiny surc that the pin also goes thtough the card Ren»« the tcmplate when the entire design has bcen completcd.
Hitu Ifyou w<«h to tecurc yoter temptate to the card »itń ttteky tnpe. place the rafie on wul off a cłoth ścierał limes. 1ta v, ill taić off the excess stuhness yel slill allow it to adhere to the card withoul trening a most To test fint Ute the mrrte of the righl punelm thu nill cienttKtlły be huidert.
Step three Cut a length of tiiread abom 2 feet long and thread the needle. (U is better to usc scscthI short thread* ralher thin one tony piece as the ho len of the card may start to wear away tbe fibment in the thread aod causc it to fray. The undcrsidc of >our work will hc huldcn k> it docs not matter how many limes you scal >ixir threads.) Allach the thread to the baek of the card. close to the starting point, with a snuli piece of tticky tapc. maliny surc that you do not cv>vcr os er any hol«.
Step Kour Follow instmetiom foe each embroidered design, sccuriny each Icr.glh of thread with a smali piece of sticky upe.
To ctarify: "Out tu...” nseaas beuig the needle from the hack of tbe work through to the front
"In a..." means take the needle fiom tbe rtgbt wde of the wock through to the hack.
Step Fhe When a design i$ cocnpteted lold under the light hand side of the card and yluc in place around the edge
Your pnjcct is now- complete. If at any nme you need athice or help oo this Form-A-Lincs pepjccl plcasc do not bosi lak: to contact u*.
Back stitch
Back stitch works as foliowi:
Out al 2 in at I Out at J ta at 2 Out at 4 in at 3
front stitch
Front stitch works as fbltows Out at I in at 3
Out at 2 in at 4 |4ys Out at 3 in at $ ^ ^
Wcbwtc: F.-mail: tn#o£
< opsojki wMfc» The pucUta <C F«ss A Uscs k«c»ouK tbta w pokce canh U* pmaul «K «r hulai Woj »i the st< *e*a fcy twwS No Kpro4u(toa <4 ibr Ktual pjnrsii sauwcOso*« pne hn*
(wnem u łKOwol wifte.* wrfce* pcRŚUMa lioe C«d IstpatMcn AO tjrft mak kt ctult ihoiU tusc Ok MUstfj ctc&t aonewhot oe Ok trt 'Ocujo topsnjł* C»łC Intpsnica*'
Card Inspirabons, The Ofd Dairy, Tewin Hill Farm Tewin, Wełwyn, Herts AL6 OLI Td: 01438 717000
Picnircs arc madę by scwing with mctallic thread onto card This kit contains six blank cards. six enselopo.. three design*. thread. beads. pricking pin. sewing needle and instructions. _______