In order to complete your cards you will require thcsc additional items:
• Slicky tapc cut into smali picccs to sccure the ends of the threads.
• Clcar drying gluc or doublc-sided adhcsivc tapc for finał asscmbły.
• A piece of foam. a tell mat or a folded towel to protect your work surfacc.
Step One Protcct your work surfacc. Opcn up the card and with the right sidc facing up. lay a design templatc on the middlc scclion.
Step Two Holding the temphte in place, takc the large pin and prick through cach dot in tum on the tcmplate making surę that the pin also' goes through the card. Rcmovc the templatc when the entire design has been completed.
Hint Jfyou wish to secure ynur templatc to the card with slicky tapc. place the lape on and off a cloth several limes. This will take off the excess stickiness yet still allcrw ii to adhere ta the card without leming a mark I a test firsl us* the reverse of the right pand as this will ewntually be hidden.
Step three Cut a length of threud about 2 fcct long and thread the needle. (It is better to use «veral short threads nnher than one long piece as the holes of the card may start to wear away the filament in the thread and causc il to fray. The tindersidc of your work will be hidden so it does not matlcr how many limes you scal your threads.) Attach the thread to the hack of the card. close to the starting point. with a smali piece of sticky tapc. making surc that you do not covei ovcr any holes.
Step Knur lollow instructions lor cach embroidered design, sccuring each length of thread w ith a smali piece of sticky tapc.
To clarify: "Out at..." means bnng the nccdlc Irom the back of the work through to the front.
"In at...” means take the nccdlc from the right sidc of the work through to the hack.
Step Fivc When a design is completed fold under the right hand sidc of the card and glue in place around the edge.
Your projcct is now complete. !f at any time you need advice or liclp on this Form-A-Lincs projcct plcasc do not hesitate to contact us.
Card Inspirations, Tlie Old Dairy, Tewin Hil Farm Tewin, Welwyn, HertS AL6 OLL Tel: 01438 717000
Pktures are madę by sewing w*h metallic thread onto card. This kit contains stx blank cards. w envełopc$, thrce designs, thread, pricking pin, scwng nccdle and insłructlons. ______